8Young Professionals work permit FAQ

Young Professionals work permit FAQ

You will find answers to many questions on the Government of Canada’s comprehensive Help Centre—don’t hesitate to browse their database!

How do I activate my Young Professionals work permit?

Technically, you will arrive in Canada with the Port of Entry (POE) Letter of Introduction and the actual work permit will be issued by a border services officer.

Entering Canada by air

Most travellers fly to Canada. You will go through immigration at the airport and border officers will ask for:

  • Your passport, valid for the entire length of your stay in Canada.
  • Your Port of Entry (POE) Letter of Introduction.
  • Proof of funds, with a statement of your bank account issued no more than one week before showing the equivalent of CAN$2,500.
  • Proof of health insurance coverage for the entire length of your stay in Canada. This is mandatory (read on for more info!).

(Re)entering Canada by land if you’re already in Canada

If you’re already in Canada as a student, tourist or intern, you still have to leave the country and re-enter in order to “land” and activate your Young Professionals work permit.

There are two options:

  • You can take a trip abroad and come back to Canada; or
  • You can “flagpole,” i.e. leave Canada at a border crossing with the USA and re-enter immediately to validate your work permit.

The process at the land border checkpoint will be the same as at the airport and you will have to present all the above-mentioned documents.

Reviewing your Young Professionals work permit

Check your work permit carefully before leaving the border services office—spelling of your name, expiry date, etc. If you notice a mistake (it happens!), inform the border services right away.

Since the Young Professionals work permit is an employer-specific work permit, it will be stated that you can only work for the employer named on the document for the length of time specified.

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Cofounder of pvtistes.net. I went to Canada and Australia on Working Holiday aventures. It was amazing!

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