Finding housing in Montréal: 5% off Housing Hawk

Housing Hawk and are proud to offer you special rates on house search services for Montréal.

What is Housing Hawk?

If you’re looking for housing in Montréal but need some on-the-ground help, Housing Hawk is the answer!

Housing Hawk is a team of Montréal-based expats whose mission is to make housing more accessible to newcomers to Montréal. In the current climate of housing shortage, competition, and scams, Housing Hawks offers verified housing and accommodation-related support services to ensure your smooth installation in Montréal.

Why choose Housing Hawk?

  • Personalized service: Share your housing criteria with Housing Hawk and leave the rest up to them.
  • Verified housing: The team will personally visit and inspect your potential home(s), and negotiate on your behalf.
  • Furnished and utilities included: In Montréal, most homes for lease are unfurnished and do not cover utility fees. Thanks to their catalogue of both furnished and unfurnished listings, Housing Hawk can find you the right move-in ready home.
  • Peace of mind even before arrival: Since the team at Housing Hawk fully screens and verifies homes themselves, you can rest assured knowing that you’ll be comfortably sheltered starting on the first night of your working holiday in Canada.
  • Avoid scams: Housing scams are on the rise in Montréal and elsewhere in Canada. Housing Hawk screens landlords to make sure they are trustworthy. They will never let you be asked, for example, to pay several months of deposit upfront.

Housing Hawk

Services offered by Housing Hawk

Visit and inspection only

If you have a list of promising apartments but are not able to visit them in person, Housing Hawk can do so on your behalf.

1 visit 3 visits 5 visits
CA$199.99 CA$399.99 CA$699.99

Housing Hawk will visit the apartment and make sure that the listing is accurate. Subsequent steps, such as negotiation with the landlord and submission of application documents, are the responsibility of the prospective tenant. This service does guarantee that the client will get the home, since all administrative steps with the landlord are handled by the prospective tenant, not Housing Hawk.

Search + visit

If you’re looking for a stress-free solution, this one’s for you! Share your housing criteria with Housing Hawk and let them take care of the rest: search, visits, inspection, negotiation with landlords (which guarantees the applicant will be selected), certification of the home, paperwork relating to the application and lease agreement.

1 visit 3 visits 5 visits
CA$299.99 CA$599.99 CA$899.99

Catalogue of homes

Browse their catalogue of certified homes to find your ideal one.

How to get 5% off

When checking out on their website, it’s as simple as entering the promo code: LEBONPLAN. Doing so will give you 5% off the final price.

Housing Hawk offers a free initial consultation, where they will evaluate your needs and answer your questions.

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