We hope to meet you at one of our upcoming pvtistes.net events! Check back regularly as we announce more.

Unless indicated otherwise, all meeting times are expressed in Eastern Canada timezone.

Upcoming events

  • October 8 at 1pm Eastern Canada time: free virtual workshop for working holiday in France. Signup required.
  • October 24 at noon Eastern Canada time: free virtual workshop for working holiday (and IEC) in Canada. Signup required.

Past events

  • September 26 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday (and IEC) in Canada.
  • September 11 at 1pm Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday in France.
  • August 29 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday (and IEC) in Canada.
  • August 7 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday in France.
  • July 25 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday (and IEC) in Canada.
  • July 15 at 6:30pm: pvtistes community meetup in Toronto, at Bar Piquette (1084 Queen Street West)
  • July 8 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday in France.
  • July 2 at 6:30pm: pvtistes community meetup in Toronto, at Bar Piquette (1084 Queen Street West)
  • June 20 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday (and IEC) in Canada.
  • June 4 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday in France.
  • May 29 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday (and IEC) in Canada.
  • May 6 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for working holiday in France.
  • April 8 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop to learn more about a working holiday in France.
  • March 26 at 6-8pm France time in Toulouse, France: pvtistes in-person meetup.
  • March 5 at 6pm Eastern Canada time: pvtistes in-person meetup at the Grenade (1603 Rue Ontario E), free entry.
  • March 5 at noon Eastern Canada time: virtual workshop for those interested in learning more about a working holiday in France.
  • February 28 at 6pm-8:30pm Paris time: in-person meetup in Paris France with members of the pvtistes team who have done working holidays in Canada, Australia, Brazil, Peru, Japan, and France. The team from Globe WHV (insurance provider) will also be present.
  • February 8 at noon Eastern Canada time : virtual workshop for those interested in learning more about a working holiday in France. 

L'équipe de pvtistes.net vous informe depuis 2005 sur tous les aspects d'un PVT et vous accompagne dans vos projets de mobilité à l'international !

The pvtistes.net team has been around since 2005, guiding thousands of young adults through all aspects of their working holiday!

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