Terms and Conditions of Use

Legal Notice

The company that edits pvtistes.net, Yoodac Web Agency Inc., is registered in Ontario, Canada, and can be reached via this contact form.


This website is freely accessible to all internet users. It is a community and information website focused on the “Working Holiday Program”.

The site allows members to post free classified ads, job offers, events, participate in discussion forums, or upload photographs.

Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions

Using the services offered by this website requires registration and the acceptance of these general terms and conditions by the user. By doing so, the user acknowledges having read and fully understood these terms and waives the right to invoke any of their own conditions. This acceptance will be formalized by checking the box next to the following phrase: “I acknowledge that I have read and accepted the website’s general terms of use.”

Checking this box will be considered equivalent to a handwritten signature. The user acknowledges the evidential value of the site’s automatic recording systems and, unless proven otherwise, waives the right to contest them in case of a dispute.

Acceptance of these general terms and conditions requires that users have the necessary legal capacity to do so or, failing that, have the authorization of a guardian or legal representative if they are underage, or have a mandate if acting on behalf of a legal entity.


When using the services offered on this website, the registered user (hereinafter referred to as “the user” or “the member”) agrees without any limitation or reservation to:

  • Use the services provided by the publisher responsibly,
  • Not disrupt the peaceful enjoyment of the service by other members,
  • Respect the rights of third parties,
  • Not use the service for commercial or promotional purposes,
  • Comply with all current legal or regulatory provisions,
  • Not post, through any of the interfaces provided, any false, defamatory, denigrating, racist, or otherwise unlawful content, or content contrary to public order, public morality, or good morals.

Users shall use the service entirely at their own risk.

Users are solely responsible for the data contained in their personal account, public profile, or exchanged within the scope of the services. They remain accountable for their actions while using the service and may be subject to legal proceedings before the competent courts.

Any violation of these general terms and conditions resulting in damage or constituting a breach of regulatory or legislative provisions may lead to legal action against the user, who thereby releases the service’s publisher from any liability in this regard.

Member Area

Creation of the Member Area

Creating a member area is a necessary prerequisite for using the services offered on this site and for participating in its content.

For this purpose, users will be asked to provide certain personal information. Users agree to provide accurate information, under penalty of contract termination at the publisher’s discretion and deletion of the member area.

Some information will be considered essential for the use of the services provided on this website, and its collection will be necessary for the creation of the member area and the conclusion of the contract. If a user refuses to provide such information, it will prevent the creation of the member area and, incidentally, the use of the services offered on the site.


The member area allows users to review all the information they provided during registration and manage the information and data that may be accessible to other members (ads, reviews, comments, photos, etc.).

If the member area or its data were to disappear due to unforeseen circumstances, a technical failure, or force majeure, the site and its publisher cannot be held liable, as the services are provided free of charge.

The publisher does not guarantee the accuracy, honesty, or integrity of the information provided by members and cannot be held liable for any false declarations made by a member, disclaiming all responsibility for the use of the service.

The publisher reserves the right to delete the account of any member who violates these general terms and conditions (including, but not limited to, cases where the member knowingly provides false information during registration or the creation of their personal space), or any inactive account for at least one year. Such deletion will not constitute damage to the excluded member, who cannot claim any compensation.

This exclusion does not preclude the possibility for the publisher to take legal action against the member, should the circumstances justify it.


When creating their personal space, the user is prompted to choose a password. This password ensures the confidentiality of the information in the user’s personal space, and the user must not disclose or share it with third parties. If they do, the site cannot be held responsible for unauthorized access to the user’s account.

Publication of a Public Profile

Members have the option to create a public profile. In this context, members may provide a certain amount of personal information about themselves.

By subscribing to the services offered by the publisher and completing the profile information, the member expressly acknowledges that this data may be published on the site and accessible to all members and visitors, as well as through other media determined by the publisher, in compliance with these conditions.

The mere act of providing this information and completing the profile creation form constitutes the member’s full and express acceptance of the publication of this data on the site and other media determined by the publisher, in compliance with these conditions.

It is expressly stated that members will have the option to stop the dissemination of their public profile. To do this, they must request the deletion of their member account and the termination of services by following the procedure provided in their member area.

However, the publisher does not guarantee the accuracy, honesty, or integrity of the information provided by members and cannot be held responsible for any false declarations made by a member, disclaiming all responsibility for the use of the service.

All public profile entries may be moderated by the publisher or its moderation team; in addition, there will be a button on each profile to report illegal, unlawful, or inappropriate content.

Members, for any contributions posted on their profile, declare that they are the owners of all associated content or have obtained the rights holder’s permission. Members cannot publish content that violates image rights or intellectual property rights of others. Members release the site and its publisher from any claims by third parties against them for violations of their rights or applicable law.

The publisher disclaims all liability regarding the originality of contributions, relying on the good faith of contributors and the inherent difficulty of conducting checks. However, if the moderation team detects such abuse, the publisher reserves the right to take necessary actions for removal or modification.