Article updated in December 2024.

Rights and duties of WHV holders in Australia

As you start looking for a work in Australia, keep in mind that:

  • WHV holders cannot work for more than 6 months at the same company (with some exceptions).
  • You must first apply for a Tax File Number (TFN) when you arrive in Australia before starting any work. Getting a TFN is free and the process is straightforward.
  • You will also need to open a bank account in Australia to receive pay.
  • All workers in Australia must file a tax return every year. Read more about income taxes and superannuation.

With that said, let’s take a look at some of the websites you can use for your job search.

Assessing the labour market

Formerly known as Labour Market Insights, the Australian government’s Jobs and Skills Australia tool is a way to explore job opportunities in your field in Australia. How many openings are there? How much can you expect to earn? What skills are required?

You can also use this tool to search by region. You’ll find out which fields are recruiting the most, region by region in each Australian state.

Popular job search sites in Australia

Australia government websites:

General job search websites:

Industry-specific job search websites:


Cofondatrice de, j'ai fait 2 PVT, au Canada et en Australie. Deux expériences incroyables ! Je vous retrouve régulièrement sur nos comptes Insta et Tiktok @pvtistes avec plein d'infos utiles !
Cofounder of I went to Canada and Australia on Working Holiday aventures. It was amazing!

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