4Unique birds

Australia has nothing to envy New Zealand when it comes to its birds—hundreds of unique species live in the country.

It is almost impossible to list them all, but here is a small selection of birds that you are likely to come across in Australia.


This is without a doubt the most breathtaking bird around! The “mimic bird” can mimic a large number of sounds—other birds, car alarms, camera shutters, etc.

The best way to discover its prowess is to watch this video, it’s just amazing.

Where to see lyrebirds

The lyrebird lives in south-east Australia, between the states of Victoria and New South Wales, and in southern Queensland. They may also be found in Tasmania, where they have been introduced.

The national parks are perfect places to spot them, particularly:

  • Dandenong Ranges (Victoria, east of Melbourne)
  • Royal National Park (New South Wales, south of Sydney)
  • Kinglake National Park (Victoria, north of Melbourne)
  • Mt Warning National Park (inland New South Wales, between Byron Bay and the Gold Coast)

… as well as in the Tidbindila Reserve (southwest of Canberra) and the Gondwana Rainforest (at the border between Queensland and New South Wales).


This bird is most remarkable for its powerful laugh that you can hear at sunrise and sunset. The kookaburra is quite large, measuring around 40 cm in length. It’s a carnivore that preys on large insects and even snakes. It’s also a thief—your meal could become theirs as they can dive on your sandwich or breakfast in just a few seconds. Beware!

Kookaburras live in the south-east of Western Australia and all along the east coast of Australia. Kookaburras can be seen and heard mainly outside cities.

Watch this short video to discover the sound they can make.


This is large bird does not fly but runs very fast. The largest emus can reach two metres tall. The emu is one of the two animals featured on the Australian coat of arms, along with the kangaroo.

If you want to see emus in the wild, you’ll have to go to remote areas of the outback.

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Cofondatrice de pvtistes.net, j'ai fait 2 PVT, au Canada et en Australie. Deux expériences incroyables ! Je vous retrouve régulièrement sur nos comptes Insta et Tiktok @pvtistes avec plein d'infos utiles !
Cofounder of pvtistes.net. I went to Canada and Australia on Working Holiday aventures. It was amazing!

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