4Do I really need travel insurance when it’s not mandatory?

Do I really need travel insurance when it’s not mandatory?

Yes. Yes. Yes. We can’t stress it enough, so time for all caps—YES YOU DO!

We get it. It took you a while to save money for travelling and it kind of hurts to give a percentage of your precious travel funds to some insurance company. It feels like a complete waste, doesn’t it?

Except skipping travel insurance is only a money-saving move if you’re 100% sure you won’t get sick, won’t get injured, won’t have any accidents or won’t have to deal with any issues during your time abroad. 

Hard to predict, isn’t it? 

This is exactly why travel insurance matters. You’re not “wasting money,” you’re buying peace of mind. You’re not “getting scammed,” you’re making sure that you won’t have to face unforeseen healthcare expenses.

Keep in mind that healthcare is costly, especially when you have to cover your own expenses. In North America and the South Pacific, “routine” health issues may lead to hefty bills. And if you’re planning to take a side trip to the US during a stopover on your way to Australia or while exploring Canada, get ready for sticker shock—this is the country where women are billed for holding their newborns after birth.

The bottom line is, if you ever need to seek medical help, you want to get the best possible care and the smallest bill possible—and your travel insurance company will be by your side to facilitate everything.

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En PVT au Canada de novembre 2021 à 2023, je répondrai à vos questions avec plaisir. Après un road trip en Amérique latine (Colombie, Bolivie, Pérou, Guatemala), je suis rentrée en France en juin 2024.

On a Working Holiday Visa in Canada from November 2021 to 2023, I will gladly answer your questions. After a road trip in Latin America (Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala), I returned to France in June 2024.

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