1Program overview

The United Kingdom’s Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) is an excellent option for young adults to explore and earn money in the UK. Participants can stay for up to 2 or 3 years (more explained below), during which they can freely travel around the country and take jobs to fund their experiences.

The British government has signed accords with several countries. Eligible are young adults between:

  • 18 and 35 years old from: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea
  • 18 and 30 years old from: Andorra, Hong Kong*, Iceland, Japan, Monaco, Taiwan*, Uruguay


*Nationals of Hong Kong and Taiwan must first be selected in the Youth Mobility Scheme ballot before they can apply.

Applicant eligibility:

  • Must hold a valid passport from an eligible country
  • Must be within the age range (inclusive) set for your nationality
  • Must not have any child dependents
  • Must not have previously taken part in this scheme

Program description and rules:

  • The YMS allows you to stay in the UK for up to two years. Citizens of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand can extend their stay by one more year, for a total of three years.
  • You cannot work as a professional sportsperson (for example as a coach)
  • You cannot bring in family members on your application – they must apply separately
  • The YMS visa is a multiple-entry visa, which means you can freely leave and re-enter the country during your working holiday.

If you meet the eligibility criteria and also can commit to respecting the program’s rules, then keep reading to learn how to apply.

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In February 2023 I moved from Vancouver to Paris. Adventures await.
En février 2023 j’ai déménagé de Vancouver à Paris. Des aventures m’attendent.

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