When leaving Japan, either temporarily or definitively, there are some administrative steps first that you should be aware of.

In this article, we explain what the re-entry permit is and how to get it. We also list out the steps to take when leaving Japan definitively at the end of your WHV.

Leaving Japan temporarily

The Japan WHV allows for multiple entries during its period of validity.

However, when leaving Japan temporarily, you will need to request a re-entry permit from the customs authorities. The re-entry permit, in conjunction with your passport and residence card, will allow you to re-enter Japan after your trip.

Obtaining a re-entry permit

To get a re-entry permit, you must fill out a small form (with two parts) that you can find near the immigration windows at the airport. If you can’t find it, ask an airport employee for help. On the form, you will need to indicate whether your departure is temporary or definitive. Be sure to check the correct box.

Once you’re done, present this form (along with your passport and residence card) to the immigration agent. He or she will keep one half of it and staple the other half to your passport. Don’t lose it! You’ll need it for your re-entry.

quitter le japon pvt

This procedure is not just for WHV holders, but all foreign temporary residents in Japan. As such, immigration agents are very familiar with these steps. Should you ever forget to fill out the form, they will kindly remind you to do so.

Leaving Japan definitively

At the end of your WHV, you will need to prepare for departure by taking care of some administrative tasks.

Here are the main steps:

  • Submit your letter of resignation (generally 15 to 30 days of notice)
  • Cancel your phone plan
  • Notify your landlord, cancel subscriptions for water, electricity, and internet
  • Return your transport cards (e.g., Suica) to get the deposit back. Or, keep them as a souvenir!
  • Transfer your funds and close your Japanese bank account (unless you have reason to keep it open)
  • Notify the city hall of your departure and return your social security card (similar to when moving to a new address)
  • No action is required for taxes

At the airport, you will fill out the same little form as shown above, but this time you will indicate that your departure is definitive (this does not stop you from returning in the future as a tourist). The immigration agent will then hole-punch your residence card to officially end your status as a resident.

Once that’s done, you can be on your way to the boarding gate.

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