Are you planning to go to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa (WHV)? We urge you to start the visa application process as early as possible because processing times are highly unpredictable. Depending on the applicant, you may receive an extremely fast response… or not.

2025 WHV median processing times

Visa applications took longer than usual to be assessed when Australia reopened its borders after the pandemic, but now processing times are back to normal.

Just a few years ago, it could take several weeks or even months in some cases to hear from the Australian government.

Before the pandemic, visas were issued in times ranging from 5 minutes to a few days (or even a few weeks for some of you)

See below for the median processing times reported by the Australian government for 2024:

  • 50% of WHV applications are processed in less than 1 day
  • 90% of WHV applications are processed in 61 days

These are the processing times apply for first, second and third WHV applications.

According to the Australian government, you are likely to receive your visa in about few weeks.

Visa processing times are regularly updated by the Australian government. You can check the most up-to-date processing times here.

But don’t forget that these are just estimated timeframes. Considering how much is at stake, plan ahead, especially if you’re not flexible with your departure date.

Remember that processing times are unpredictable

To be on the safe side, we recommend submitting your WHV application long before your preferred departure date.

Even though most visa applications take at most 61 days to be processed, the timeline can vary for many reasons. Working holiday makers have been reporting receiving a response:

  • A few seconds after applying in many cases (it’s so fast that some think it’s a receipt and not the visa)!
  • A few hours later
  • A few days later
  • A few weeks later
  • A few months later (this is exceptional but it can happen, read on to understand why!)

The bottom line is that processing times are unpredictable. It’s not just a staffing issue, the timeline also depends on your application and profile.

Don’t wait until the last minute to apply

If you’re due to travel to Australia on a specific date, don’t wait until the last moment to apply for your WHV. And ABOVE ALL, do not buy your plane ticket before having received your visa “granted”. You never know!

Not only can processing times can be unpredictable but the Australian government sometimes requires working holiday makers to undergo a medical examination by approved panel physicians or clinics. Otherwise, the visa cannot be granted.

A health exam is regularly requested when:

  • you have a health condition
  • you have lived for several months in a high-risk country,
  • you stated you wanted to work in specific fields in Australia (early childhood education, healthcare, etc.)

A notification to take a health exam will delay your application. It can take several weeks to complete the requirement—making an appointment, travelling to an approved doctor if needed, waiting for the WHV assessment, etc.

This medical visit can considerably increase the time it takes to process your visa. Take note of this if you think a medical exam will be required.

The next steps after a WHV approval

Once your WHV is issued, you have one year to travel to Australia and enjoy a unique experience Down Under. After these 12 months, your visa expires.

It’s worth noting that Australia is one of the few working holiday destinations to allow you to re-apply for a WHV if you haven’t used yours, provided you still meet the age requirement. You will, however, have to pay the WHV application fee again.

All set? Now you can buy your travel insurance, decide where to start your WHV adventure in Australia, and research housing options.

Tell us, how long did it take for your WHV to be assessed? Share your experience in the comments section!


En PVT au Canada de novembre 2021 à 2023, je répondrai à vos questions avec plaisir. Après un road trip en Amérique latine (Colombie, Bolivie, Pérou, Guatemala), je suis rentrée en France en juin 2024.

On a Working Holiday Visa in Canada from November 2021 to 2023, I will gladly answer your questions. After a road trip in Latin America (Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala), I returned to France in June 2024.

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