6Example of a freelancer invoice

Every entrepreneur can design his or her own invoice template based on style and business needs. As a starting point for your reference, here is a bilingual sample that includes critical information you should include as a freelancer in a liberal profession. You may choose to include other supplementary information.

As mentioned in chapter 5, if you qualify for TVA exemption, the phrase “TVA non applicable, art. 293 B du CGI” must imperatively appear on all your invoices billed to clients.

The invoice number can be whatever you want it to be, since you are the owner of your micro-entreprise.


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I'm a web writer at pvtistes.net. In February 2023 I moved from Vancouver to Paris. Adventures await.
Je suis rédacteur web chez pvtistes.net. En février 2023 j’ai déménagé de Vancouver à Paris. Des aventures m’attendent.

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