3Going to Canada with IEC: Working Holiday, Young Professionals and International Co-op permits

International Experience Canada (IEC) is a Government of Canada program designed to give 18-35 year-old travellers from over 30 selected countries the opportunity to work in Canada.

Depending on your nationality, you will be eligible for some or all types of IEC permit:

  • The Working Holiday permit: A flexible open work permit.
  • The Young Professionals permit: A closed work permit (employer-specific) to gain valuable work experience in Canada relevant to your career.
  • The International Co-op (Internship) permit: A closed work permit where the internship must be linked to your field of studies.

The amount of time you can spend in Canada will also depend on your nationality. You can check your eligibility here.

We have a wealth of information covering the IEC program in more detail:

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Cofondatrice de pvtistes.net, j'ai fait 2 PVT, au Canada et en Australie. Deux expériences incroyables ! Je vous retrouve régulièrement sur nos comptes Insta et Tiktok @pvtistes avec plein d'infos utiles !
Cofounder of pvtistes.net. I went to Canada and Australia on Working Holiday aventures. It was amazing!

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