4Validation of your work contract

This step can take some time. Your employer must first request a work permit by filling out this form. This form must then be sent to or delivered to OFII (Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration), which will then forward it to DDTEFP (Direction Départementale pour le Travail, l’Emploi et la Formation Professionnelle). It will be sent back to OFII, which will then send it to a French consulate in Canada (item 8 in the application tells you which consulate covers which provinces and territories).

OFII is the governing body for companies wishing to hire Young Professionals. It is involved in every step of the procedure.

For the employee

You must have the following ready:

  • CV and letter of motivation
  • Photocopy of diplomas, proof of previous internships or employment
  • Photocopy of first 6 pages of passport
  • Commitment to return to home country, signed by you

Documents to attach to the application:

  • Cerfa n° 15187*02 (pages 1 and 2)
  • Authorization to exercise in France if it is a regulated profession
  • Attestation de vigilance established by Urssaf or equivalent document issued by MSA (Mutualité sociale agricole)
  • Mandate of the employer representative (if necessary)

How are applications processed?

Applications are to be submitted to OFII, which has up to 5 days to validate and transfer the application to PFMOE platform (plateforme de main d’œuvre étrangère).

PFMOE has up to 10 days for their own checks, before then returning the application back to OFII with their decision.

OFII then has 5 days to register PFMOE’s decision, after which it will transfer the application to the French consulate in Canada.

For the employer

Are there taxes to pay?

A tax of €72 is to be paid to DGFiP (direction générale des Finances publiques). They are responsible for the collection of taxes from employers hiring foreign workers.

What are the conditions of the work contract?

The employee must be under a fixed duration contract (CDD) of at least 3 months. The maximum duration is 18 months. The role must also correspond to the employee’s qualifications and experiences. The salary must also be at least equivalent to minimum wage (aka SMIC) in France.

To summarize

You must:

  • 1. Fill out the application
  • 2. Have your employer request a work permit
  • 3. Send your application to the OFII office of your place of residence (presumed or actual) in France
  • 4. Await mail from the Embassy of France in Canada
  • 5. Make an appointment and go to the French consulate with your application and papers
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