Current location
Buenos Aires, Ville Autonome de Buenos Aires, Argentine
1. Can you please introduce yourself?
My name is Eloise, and I’m 27 years old.
2. What WHV destination did you choose and why?
I started my working holiday in Argentina in September 2023. I chose Argentina because it’s a Spanish speaking country. I really wanted to be able to understand and have conversations in Spanish. I also wanted to visit everywhere in the country. I’ve dreamed of seeing Ushuaia since I was little.
3. What have you done on your working holiday?
I settled in Buenos Aires for three months. I was able to discover daily life in Argentina, integrate myself, build a routine, make friends, find activities, work, go out, play sports, discover the culture and the food. Once I became more comfortable with the language and customs, I travelled to other corners. Over two months, I traversed Argentina from north to south. I also took the opportunity to make a stop in neighbouring Brazil. Then, I returned to Buenos Aires to continue work and pick back up my “normal life” there.
4. What has it brought you?
Other than my Spanish skills, my WHV has brought me confidence in myself. Whatever happens during travel, things always work themselves out. No choice is “bad”; what counts is that you just make one.
5. What is your best memory from the working holiday?
My WHV isn’t over yet, but so far my best memory is my treks in Patagonia, especially in El Chalten.
6. Any advice for prospective working holiday makers?
Whether you prepare everything in advance or bit by bit as you go, don’t limit yourself. Do exactly what you want to do, even if an idea wasn’t a part of your original plan.
7. What are your plans?
End my WHV by working and travelling a bit. I have to return to France in a few months. I think that my head will stay in Argentina for a bit longer though. Once I spend some time with my family, I think that I’ll prepare for my next destination (WHV or otherwise).
8. How about an interesting anecdote to end on?
After driving 45 km to get to an altitude of 4500 metres, we marvelled at the Serranía de Hornocal, the mountain with 14 colours. We were in the north of Argentina, in the region of Jujuy on the way to the Salta North Loop. All suffering from dizziness, we had to stuff ourselves with coca leaves to combat the effects of altitude sickness. Once we reached the parking lot, there was a remaining 300 metres before we could see the mountain. At this altitude, even a short walk like this was an athletic endeavour. Each step required its own breath, but the reward was absolutely worth the price! The view of the 14-coloured mountain was breathtaking. We sat down and admired it for a long time (also because we had to catch our breath). The sunset brought with it a change in light and therefore a change in the colours of the mountain too. It was magical.

Je suis Meghan, rédactrice web pour Pvtistes. Je suis Québécoise, originaire de la Côte-Nord. Je suis en PVT France depuis un peu plus de 1 an déjà. Je me suis installée dans le département du Nord, à Lille.

I’m Meghan, a writer for Pvtistes. I’m originally from the Côte-Nord region of Quebec. For my working holiday, I settled in Lille, the Nord department of France, and I’ve been here for just over one year now.

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