Julie, WHV in Canada and Australia, cofounder of pvtistes.net

1. Can you please introduce yourself?
Hi, my name is Julie. I’m 39 years old. I’m from Paris, where I majored in foreign languages (English and Spanish) before doing my working holidays.
2. Where did you go on a working holiday and why?
I went to Canada on a working holiday with Mathieu (read his interview). It was my studies that made me want to embark on the journey. I found that in class, I wasn’t practising the languages enough. My goal was to improve my English, so I wanted to be immersed in the language. That’s why I proposed the idea to him and he said yes!
3. How did you spend your working holiday?
Like Mathieu, I first worked for a few days at the Salon du livre de Toronto. And then I signed up with a placement agency, which found a week-long project for me at Deloitte.
4. What have you gained from the experience?
My working holiday in Canada taught me that I love travelling. It allowed me to improve my English, and to gain independence. At the start, we lacked money because we didn’t find stable jobs right away. It was difficult at times, and there were moments when we questioned the whole thing. Thankfully, one opportunity led to another and everything worked out in the end. It was a great lesson in perseverance.
5. What is your best memory from your working holiday?
During my Canada WHV, I would say that it was my travels to Quebec, New York, Chicago, Florida, and New Orleans. Of course, the birth of pvtistes.net will also always be one of the most unforgettable memories. At that time, everyone on our discussion forum knew one another. Working holiday makers in Montreal would come to visit Toronto and be housed by the local working holiday makers. When the Toronto working holiday makers went to Montreal, they would return the favour. Those were some very touching moments in our story. When Mat and I arrived in Toronto, a couple of pvtistes who had been living there for a few months came to our hostel to welcome us, it was very sweet.
6. How did you get the idea to create pvtistes.net?
Mathieu explained everything in his interview. In the planning of our own working holiday, we realized that there was basically no information online about this topic. So we started small, without any idea that it would become what it is today. It really was a project born out of need and passion.
7. If you could choose again from the destinations available today, where would you go?
I’ll start by saying that I regret not doing more working holidays. If you are reading this and are still eligible, don’t wait! I would have loved to do a WHV in Latin America, not necessarily for a year but maybe a few months, just to discover the fascinating cultures and meet incredible people.
8. What advice would you give to prospective working holiday makers?
I would advise not underestimating the importance of financial savings. With greater savings, their arrival in the country would be less stressful, and they’ll also have more budget to do things on their bucket list: skydiving, scuba diving, international travel etc. It would be a shame to have to say “I want to do this but I don’t have the means”, when one is precisely on a working holiday to make the most of the adventure.
9. What are your ambitions for pvtistes.net?
I would say, to continue further on our trajectory. Keeping a website up to date is not easy, especially because we have hundreds of articles. And who knows, maybe there will be more bilateral accords that get signed, which would present even more destinations for pvtistes.net to introduce!
10. Can we end with a memorable anecdote from your working holiday?
This is a bit more than an anecdote, but a few months into my time in Australia, I gained more and more confidence in myself and my journey. I started to believe that everything was going to work out and that there would always be a solution. One day, I took a flight to Cairns with the hopes of finding a job there. When I landed at 3am, I asked three travellers from the UK if I could spend the night in the same corner of the airport as them (to avoid the cost of a hostel) and await sunrise. The very next day, I found a job. Later in the year, I hitchhiked without a plan B for how to get to my destination. People stopped and got me where I needed to be. It might seem anecdotal, but this way of thinking really struck me. It opens the door to countless possibilities, and believers of the law of attraction might say that positive thoughts bring positive results.

I'm a web writer at pvtistes.net. In February 2023 I moved from Vancouver to Paris. Adventures await.
Je suis rédacteur web chez pvtistes.net. En février 2023 j’ai déménagé de Vancouver à Paris. Des aventures m’attendent.
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