Patsilla, a Montrealer in Paris on a WHV!

Hello, can you introduce yourself?
Why did you go in WHV to France?
What are the steps to get a WHV France?
I landed in Nantes because Florian, my boyfriend, is a Breton from Vannes in the Morbihan region.
I had already traveled a bit in France before: Alsace, Paris but no I didn’t really know much about France before my WHV.
What did you do at the beginning of you WHV? It was a real discovery for you this country?
How was your job search?
Employers are aware of the WHV?
I found the receptionist job because I went to Paris’ Job Fair at Place de la Concorde. I started by leaving resumes at marketing companies or any big company and at the end, I had 3-4 resumes left. I couldn’t bring them back home since they were already printed so might as well give them to hiring teams that were looking for customer service agents/receptionists. And then the 3 booths where I left a resume called me back because I speak English and French so for a hostess, either as a receptionist or to work at the airport, they were looking for bilingual candidates. I decided to go forward on this path.
There are differences between the French and Canadien working world, according to you?
Were you able to make friends at work?
What is your view on French culture?
Have you discovered the historical Paris?
Did you meet other Canadian WHVers in France?
In my opinion, it’s worth travelling with a WHV or to simply leave and go travel either with the WHV or not. With the WHV as opposed to a tourist visa however, you are allowed to stay more than 90 days. Travel because you will always discover new things, meet new people, live new experiences, it’s going to leave a lasting impression, it changes who you are. I wouldn’t say I’m French, but maybe 10% Breton. There I said it! You become someone else, you grow. You don’t necessarily become a better person, but definitely a different person, more resourceful. Maybe not wealthier, but full of experiences.
What would you say to Canadians who are reluctant to do a WHV in France?
Also, because we speak French in Quebec, we sometimes think we already know France or that the culture can’t be that different. and it turns out it’s not only about the language or the expressions, the vocabulary, but also the lifestyle or the landscapes. I had a culture shock. Even though I speak the language.
So, are French people grumpy?
Speaking of tourism, do you have some favorites?
In one word, WHV stands for…
Would you say that knowing Florian (your boyfriend) helped you, at first?
What advice would you give yo future WHVers in France?
How would you assess your WHV?

Je suis Meghan, ancienne rédactrice web pour Pvtistes. Je suis Québécoise, originaire de la Côte-Nord. J’ai réalisé un PVT en France de 2022 à 2024. Je m’apprête à repartir ailleurs...
I'm Meghan, former writer for Pvtistes. I'm from Quebec, originally from the Côte-Nord region. I did a WHV in France from 2022 to 2024. I'm getting ready to leave again...
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