Once you’ve submitted everything for the creation of your business, you should then inform yourself on the ACRE exemption. You don’t need to wait for your SIRET and social security numbers before starting this. ACRE is not a mandatory step, but is very financially advantageous.
What is the ACRE exemption?
Like anywhere else in the world, freelancers and small business owners in France have to pay a percentage of their earnings as social contributions to the state. The percentage varies depending on the nature of your business. Here are the latest full figures from URSSAF, effective as of 1 July 2024.
The ACRE exemption (aide aux créateurs et repreneurs d’entreprise) is a benefit for qualifying first time entrepreneurs that cuts these contribution percentages by HALF for the first nine months of operation. It is the administration’s way of supporting new and young business owners, so it can help you keep a lot more money in your pocket. Starting on the tenth month, full rates automatically apply.
Applicants (including WHV and APS holders) just need to meet one of the following criteria; the first column is the situation and the second column lists the corresponding supporting documents required.
Many of the situations are not applicable to most WHV holders. The most relevant ones are:
- Between 18 and 25 years old, inclusive.
- Persons less than 30 years old not benefiting from unemployment insurance payments.
If even one of the above situations applies to you, then you are eligible to apply for ACRE.
How and when do I apply?
This request should be submitted immediately following the steps outlined in chapters 2 and 3. If you meet the criteria, complete the ACRE application form.
Also prepare the following supporting documents:
- Any official proof of application that you may have received from steps outlined in chapters 2 and 3.
- Your passport, visa, and signed letter attesting that these pieces of identity indeed belong to you.
- Any other documents outlined in the “situations” table above.
Send everything via the messaging service on URSSAF.
According to URSSAF, a decision will be made within 30 days. If your request is denied, you will be notified. If your request is approved, you may or may not be expressly notified. URSSAF states that the absence of a response within 30 days can be interpreted as an acceptance of your request. You can also confirm whether your request was approved when you pay your taxes for the first time (explained in chapter 5).
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