6Accommodation, food and getting around

Accommodation, food and getting around

Where to live

For more information about where to stay, read Finding accommodation in Australia.

Working hostels

The most obvious accommodation solution for fruit pickers is to stay in a working hostel. Not only can you can get a good weekly rate but the hostel will put you in touch with local employers, as explained in chapter 4.

Note that if you’re just parking your campervan in front of a working hostel, finding you an employer may not be a priority for the hostel—after all, you’re not a paid guest!

Work site

Some employers host their temporary workers. Check beforehand if you can camp on site or if employees get a free bunk bed.

Campsites or caravan parks

If you’re living out of your vehicle, you can park it in a free or paid campsite. You’ll find designated areas with facilities easily as long as your work site isn’t too remote.

Where to shop

Farm jobs can offer “room and board,” which generally means you’ll get a bunk bed and meals. This is a great way to save money. However, compensation may be a bit lower because your expenses should be minimal.

Otherwise, once your workday is over, you will have to go grocery shopping and cook your own meals. Keep in mind you may not have many options in rural Australia—you may end up eating a lot of what you picked during the day!

Getting around

Keep in mind that Australia is a big country. Towns can be very far apart and you don’t really want to walk along the one dirt road in rural areas (or if you do, make sure it’s safe!).

If you live on the farm, problem solved, zero commute needed! And if your employer offers room and board, you really won’t have to go anywhere, unless you start getting cabin fever (or in case of a Zombie attack in the Outback?).

Things get trickier if you live a few kilometres from your work site. Working hostels often offer carpooling solutions if you contribute to gas (around $5-$10/day). If you don’t have your own vehicle, team up with other workers who do. And if you have a car, offer other backpackers a ride!

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Cofondatrice de pvtistes.net, j'ai fait 2 PVT, au Canada et en Australie. Deux expériences incroyables ! Je vous retrouve régulièrement sur nos comptes Insta et Tiktok @pvtistes avec plein d'infos utiles !
Cofounder of pvtistes.net. I went to Canada and Australia on Working Holiday aventures. It was amazing!

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(2) Comments

Fiston I |

Please when it’s time for the application, fruit picking, let me know

Julie I |

Hi, have you read chapter 8?