2France taxes

Anyone who worked in France in the tax year and is 18 years or older must declare taxes (official source).

For your first tax season in France, you must fill out your declaration on paper. Since you do not have a French fiscal number yet, you cannot file taxes online.

To do this, print the declaration form. You will also need to attach your ID (copy of passport) and rental lease, if you are a renter. Then you can mail your declaration to the centre of public finance of your department of residence.

As of your second tax season (working holiday extension via an autorisation provisoire de séjour), you are able to file your taxes online. There is also an app that you can download.


If I do my taxes in my country of origin, do I still need to do so in France?

Yes, if you worked and earned money in France then you must declare those earnings in France regardless.

What is the deadline for filing my taxes in France?

The deadline depends on which zone in France you live in, and it also changes from year to year. However for paper declarations, ignore the zone, because there is a separate earlier deadline. Consult this page to see the deadlines for your zone and filing type.

Who should I contact if I have other questions about French taxes?

For additional inquiries, please contact Impôts Service.

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