3 Canada - provincial and territorial taxes

In addition to the federal tax, you will also need to produce a provincial (or territorial) declaration.

Provincial and territorial taxes can usually be filed together with federal taxes. Please visit Get a T1 income tax package to access the income tax packages for your province or territory. Specific links can also be found below. As explained in the previous chapter, the tax treaty between Canada and France exempts individuals from being double taxed by both countries.

The following provincial and territorial resources may be useful in filing. For obvious reasons, we recommend prioritizing online methods over paper wherever possible.


British Columbia


New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador

Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia



Prince Edward Island


  • You may use the paper version of Income Tax Return or one of the software authorized by Revenu Québec to fill in your declaration. You must send the declaration by April 30th of the year following the tax year. The same deadline applies for paying money owed to the provincial government.
  • Find the income tax package for Quebec here.
  • There is also a tax treaty between Quebec and France so that individuals are not doubly taxed. Here is the complete official text.



Original written by Amanda, Canadian working holiday maker in France. Updated in February 2024.

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