WHV Insurance

Pvtistes.net has been recommending Globe WHV insurance since 2005!

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Discover Globe WHV travel insurance offered by our exclusive partner ACS, Travel & Expatriate Insurance Solutions.

Specialized in international mobility, ACS closely accompanies travellers and expatriates all around the world.

ACS offers comprehensive health insurance and assistance solutions, while maintaining an excellent quality-price ratio, so that everyone can travel around the world with complete peace of mind. Every year, more than 100,000 people trust ACS.

This page and the following insurance information are provided under the sole responsibility of ACS insurance brokerage company.

Globe WHV insurance policy highlights:

  • Epidemics & Covid-19: medical, hospitalisation and assistance costs covered.
  • Medical expenses claims can be easily submitted through a dedicated online secure area.
  • Very positive feedback from WHV holders.
  • Globe WHV will refund the remaining months on your policy if you definitely go back home earlier than planned whether or not you requested reimbursement for treatment during your WHV. You must at least have two months left on your policy (processing fee: €20).
  • Quick and easy communication with Globe WHV customer service specialists who answer questions sent by private message. Send a private message to a Globe WHV representative.
  • Easy-to-understand insurance policy and claim guidelines.
  • Very competitive rates.
  • Covers many sports and activities, including scuba-diving, hiking, skiing and surfing. Read the Globe WHV insurance policy.
  • New for Canada: benefit from free of charge medical teleconsultation.

An overview of health insurance for travellers

Why would I need to purchase health insurance?

First of all, you never know what could happen during your stay abroad, so health insurance is always recommended for WHV holders. Besides, some destinations make it mandatory.

Buying health insurance is also common sense. As a WHV holder, you aren’t eligible for health care coverage through the local insurance system. In addition, your home country won’t cover your health expenses abroad—you’re on your own. In many WHV destinations, even “routine” health issues can lead to hefty bills.

Unfortunately, from time to time, we hear from WHV holders who left home without insurance coverage and ended up facing huge medical bills.

Note that health insurance isn’t just for minor health issue emergency expenses. You’re also covered for hospitalisation, repatriation (after a major accident, for instance), accidental death, personal civil liability, etc.


Questions regarding all destinations

  • 1

    Does the Globe WHV insurance policy offer coverage for all WHV destinations?

    Yes, all countries who have signed a WHV agreement recognise Globe WHV as a valid insurance policy. It’s accepted as proof of insurance coverage when you apply for your work permit at the relevant embassy or consulate.

  • 2

    I have a job offer in my destination country and my employer provides health benefits. Do I still need to purchase the Globe WHV insurance policy?

    Your employer’s health insurance plan won’t cover repatriation back to your home country in the event of a serious accident or death. If you don’t have insurance coverage, in the case of need, you or your relatives will have to pay for repatriation costs (medical air transport, healthcare professionals, ambulance service, etc.).

  • 3

    Do I have to be a student to be eligible for the Globe WHV insurance policy?

    No. Anyone participating in a WHV program or in one of the IEC programs (Canada) is eligible, regardless of their status or country of citizenship.

  • 4

    Am I covered for side trips to neighbouring countries?

    Yes. Once your WHV activated, your Globe WHV policy covers you for touristic trips of any duration to other countries for up to €150,000. Note that different conditions apply if you temporarily go back home (see the following Q&A). Please also note that if you’re travelling to Cuba you will need a specific insurance confirmation (see the Q&A below). So, if you feel like spending a short holiday in the US or somewhere in Asia, go for it, you’re covered! And if you want to explore the world before activating your WHV, consider buying the Globe Partner insurance policy.

  • 5

    Am I also covered when I temporarily go back home during my WHV experience?

    Your Globe WHV insurance policy covers you during short trips back home up to 30 days per year of coverage . During these trips, only emergency medical expenses are covered up to €15,000. For longer stays in your home country, you’ll only be covered during the first 30 days as per the terms and conditions explained above. If you return home definitely, you will no longer be covered.

  • 6

    My credit card offers three months of insurance coverage. Can I use that and then buy the Globe WHV insurance policy?

    You could, but consider the following before making a decision.

    First, read your credit card insurance policy and check if it covers you for long trips abroad. Make sure the insurance policy offers comprehensive coverage — compare it with the Globe WHV insurance policy for reference — and read the full details on deductibles, maximum coverage waiting periods, etc.

    Even if you opt to use your credit card insurance policy for the first few weeks or months, you will still have to buy your Globe WHV insurance policy for the remainder of your trip. You must purchase your insurance before your trip even if it only starts on day 91 of your WHV adventure (assuming you’re using your credit card insurance policy for the first 90 days).

    Any accident or medical issue occurring during your credit card insurance policy coverage won’t be covered by Globe WHV—and neither will any required follow-ups. For instance, if you have an accident during the first 90 days of your stay abroad and you need medical care for the next six months, it won’t be covered by Globe WHV because it would be considered a “pre-existing condition.”

  • 7

    Can I pay for my insurance policy monthly instead of paying the full cost upfront?

    No, you can’t pay monthly for your Globe WHV travel insurance. However, you could buy month-to-month coverage and thus, pay monthly. Note that monthly rates aren’t cheaper. If you do choose this solution, make sure there’s no gap in your insurance coverage and that you renew it diligently every month.

    This alternative solution will only work for destinations where health insurance isn’t mandatory. Many destinations require proof of insurance for the entire duration of your stay either when you apply for the work permit (e.g. for destinations in Asia or South America) or upon landing (e.g. Canada).

  • 8

    I’m going on a vacation to Cuba. My Globe WHV insurance policy covers me, right?

    It does. Your Globe WHV insurance policy covers you during all side trips during your WHV adventure, regardless of their duration and to a maximum amount of €150,000.

    There’s a small extra step for Cuba—the government requires a specific health insurance confirmation. We can provide it to you for free in three business days. You’ll just need to send us an email to [email protected] with the following information:

    • Full name
    • Insurance policy number
    • Valid mailing and email addresses
    • Exact travel dates to Cuba (arrival/departure dates)
  • 9

    What sports are not covered by my Globe WHV insurance?

    The following sports activities are not covered: mountain climbing, bobsled, air sports (including skydiving), jet ski, combat sports, off-piste sports, and all sports practiced during special events, official tournaments or competitions. Any other sport practiced as a hobby is covered, e.g. scuba diving (without depth limit) and bungee jumping (as long as the jump is made from a ground-based structure, e.g. a bridge).

  • 10

    Where can I buy insurance coverage for sports Globe WHV excludes?

    Usually, sports clubs can provide specific insurance solutions for the activities they offer.

  • 11

    Can I see any healthcare provider without checking in with Globe WHV first?

    Yes, you can go see any healthcare provider (doctor, nurse) in any clinic or practice without notifying Globe WHV beforehand.

    If you don’t know where to go or if you want to check what’s covered and what’s not, don’t hesitate to contact the Mutuaide Assistance platform (the number is on your insurance card).

  • 12

    When I submit a claim, where do I send medical bills and prescriptions?

    For claims up to €500, please use our convenient online claim form.

    For claims of €500 and up, original documents must be sent by postal mail to the following address: A.C.S. Service Médical, Att. Médecin-conseil, 153 rue de l’Université 75007 Paris France.

    To learn more about the claim submission process, download this form.

  • 13

    If I need medical care, do I have to pay upfront?

    There are two possible scenarios.

    Scenario 1, outpatient care (not including hospitalisation): Yes, you have to pay upfront and then send the original documents to ACS for your claim to be processed. To learn more about the claim submission process, download this form.

    Scenario 2, hospitalisation: No, ACS will cover upfront costs. You have to call Mutuaide Assistance (available 24/7) and they will communicate directly with the hospital to settle the bill.

FAQ for those travelling to Canada

FAQ for destinations other than Canada

  • 1

    I have an appointment at the embassy for my WHV application and I need to bring a proof of insurance. How does it work?

    A few countries do ask for proof of insurance as part of your WHV application. Exceptionally, for these destinations, we accept contract date changes. However, some conditions apply:

    • Buy a 12-month Globe WHV insurance policy with an estimated coverage start date (in this instance, the effective date of your insurance coverage must be chosen well into the future).
    • If your WHV application is approved, buy your plane ticket and contact us to set a definitive coverage effective date.
    • If your WHV application is denied, contact us before the chosen coverage effective date and provide a formal proof of application denial (letter from the embassy, official stamp). We will cancel the insurance policy and issue a full refund without charging any processing fees.

Globe WHV insurance policy wallet card

  • 1

    What do I do with this wallet card?

    This card is issued at the same time as your confirmation of coverage, right after purchasing your insurance policy online.

    Your wallet card includes the most important information about your insurance policy—your policy number, coverage start and end date, and emergency contact numbers.

    You should print it out, cut it and keep it in your wallet. That way, you’ll always have our contact info handy in case of an accident or health issue.

  • 2

    Do I really have to print my wallet card?

    It’s up to you, maybe you have another way to keep important info regarding your Globe WHV insurance policy handy!

    We simply recommend you to print, cut and keep your card in your wallet to have emergency contact numbers with you if you need them.

  • 3

    Do I just have to show this card to avoid upfront costs?

    No, this wallet card is just a handy memo but you still have to make upfront payments, if applicable. Healthcare professionals don’t need to see this card.

  • 4

    What should I do if I need medical attention?

    If you’re admitted to the hospital for less than 24 hours or if you simply need to see a doctor, you must pay for all medical fees and then submit a claim with supporting documents for reimbursement.

    If you’re admitted to the hospital for more than 24 hours, you should contact Mutuaide Assistance (the number is on the back of your wallet card) to arrange direct payment of your medical fees. If you can’t make the phone call yourself, give your wallet card to the hospital staff and they will contact Mutuaide Assistance for you.

  • 5

    Help, I lost my wallet card!

    Relax, a lost card doesn’t mean your insurance policy is cancelled or that coverage is not valid anymore!
    If you still have the original confirmation email with your insurance certificate , just print out a new copy of your wallet card. If you can’t find the original email, contact our customer service by email at [email protected].

Globe WHV insurance policy highlights

  • Full coverage of the actual cost of routine medical expenses and hospitalisation, without deductible or waiting period, unlimited in the WHP country.
  • No authorisation required before seeing a healthcare professional.
  • Zero upfront payment in the event of a hospital admission.
  • Repatriation assistance and family emergency coverage for trip interruption following the unforeseen death of a close relative.
  • Civil liability coverage.
  • Lost luggage insurance for your trip to your destination and back.
  • Friendly and quick customer service support directly on the forum since 2005!

For more details on guarantees, please refer to the Globe WHV information booklet, according to your destination: WHV/IEC Canada or other WHV destinations.


If you have any question, please send a private message to Globe WHV representatives.

Globe WHV customer service representatives check in daily to answer questions posted by Working Holiday, Young Professionals and International Co-op Internship program participants in the “Globe WHV – Questions and support” forum discussion thread. Don’t hesitate to post a question or send them a private message before or after purchasing your insurance policy, they will get back to you quickly with the info you need.


My partner and I had already taken Globe PVT for our first WHV and we naturally opted for Globe during the second. We never had any concerns about refunds Read more...
I am in a somewhat special situation because my residence is France but I got my WHV thanks to my Irish nationality even if I have never lived there. I Read more...
The reimbursement request is simple and quick if the file is complete. An adviser answered my questions concerning certain specific points of the insurance Read more...
I join all the HAPPY here who have been unlucky enough to be sick or injured! but happy, very well supported and reimbursed! I am therefore very satisfied Read more...
I want to thank Sandra who does a great job! I had taken out the insurance but having a history of heart problem they did not want to insure me without Read more...
More than satisfied!
No waiting on the phone, people are available and listening,
 because in view of the situation in which I was the costs were fairly
Good morning all,

I'm just sharing my experience with GP with you. For the moment nothing has happened to me at all so it's just to talk about the quality
The process over the internet for amounts to be reimbursed below € 500 is very practical. This facilitates exchanges while being abroad and the processing Read more...
I too wanted to express my satisfaction with Globe PVT.
In mid January, I broke my tailbone while falling on ice in the street.
The exorbitant costs
My experience with Globe PVT.
Not related to reimbursement costs but rather to after sales service, if I can put it that way

So here's my little story.

Rates for a WHV in Canada


Per month (departing from the European Union)

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Per month (departing from a non-European Union country)

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Rates for a WHV in a non-European Union country (except Canada)


Departing from the European Union

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Departing from a non-European Union country

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Rates for a WHV in a country within the European Union


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Do you have questions about Globe PVT?

Please contact Globe WHV representatives on our forum, they will get back to you as soon as possible.

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