What do I do if I have a criminal record?
Applicants previously charged with a crime or convicted of a crime should declare it when answering the character declarations in the online application. Many WHV applicants with a conviction have still had their application approved, so it’s not necessarily a reason for the application to be denied.
Some applications are processed normally. Other applicants are required to provide additional evidence about the type of offence and the sentencing they received (e.g. through detailed written statements, character references, police certificates, etc.). Applicants with criminal convictions may be referred to the specialist Visa Applicant Character Consideration Unit (VACCU) for more detailed scrutiny.
It may be tempting to lie during the WHV application process, but that will create even more problems later on. An applicant who lies on their application will have their WHV denied if caught. Lying could impact not just a WHV in Australia, but also travels to other countries in future, as you have to declare if a visa has ever been denied.
If an applicant has a criminal record, they must plan to apply at least six months ahead of their intended departure date. Processing times can be longer if the authorities ask for additional documents about the offence(s).
What do I do if I’m requested to take a medical exam?
Not all WHV applicants have to take a medical exam and/or screening tests (TB, HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C tests, etc.). The need for a medical exam is determined by your answers during the application process about your general health, past trips abroad, and your work plans while in Australia.
If the authorities determine you will need a medical exam, you’ll be notified on your ImmiAccount AFTER submitting your application. Your WHV can’t be granted until you provide medical exam/test results. Consequently, your WHV process can be delayed while you complete the medical exam.
You’re responsible for arranging the health exam and paying all related fees. You must see a panel physician approved by the Department of Home Affairs. Find your nearest panel physician by searching for the immigration office nearest to you.
You don’t have to take the medical exam in your country of citizenship or your country of residence (e.g. if you are travelling, you can simply select the nearest office to your current location).
To see if a medical exam is required, log into your ImmiAccount a few hours/days after submitting your application. Click on “View details” and if you see “Health examination”, click on the link for further instructions. You will be given a HAP ID that you use to arrange your medical appointment.
Do not book an appointment until explicitly told to do so in your ImmiAccount. You will need to wait until you’ve been sent the list of examinations you need to get, and your HAP ID.
Health examinations are processed through eMedical. To access your eMedical account, you need to enter your HAP ID, name, date of birth, and answer a number of questions regarding your medical history.
Once you answer all the questions in eMedical, you will be able to download your referral letter:
You can now book your appointment. Don’t forget to bring your referral letter. If you have a medical condition, you should also bring any relevant reports from your usual specialist or physician.
The exam may resemble a comprehensive physical exam (height and weight, blood pressure, eye exam, urinalysis, blood test, etc.). You may also have to take a chest X-ray.
The panel physician will not tell you the results; these will be submitted directly to the Department of Home Affairs for assessment. Now, you just have to wait!
If you don’t get your evisa by email, read the next chapter for alternative ways to check the status of your application.
Note that your WHV processing time will be longer (by at least a couple of weeks) than for applicants who don’t need a medical exam.
What do I do if I’ve made a mistake on my application?
If your application hasn’t been finalised yet
If a decision hasn’t been made yet, you can log into your ImmiAccount to do any of the following:
- Update your postal address
- Update your email address
- Update your passport information
- Update your situation
- Correct a mistake in your application
- Withdraw your application
Click on “Update details” in the bottom-right corner and choose the applicable option.
If you have already been granted your WHV
You can make a limited number of changes, including:
- Update your postal address
- Update your email address
- Update your passport details
- Request cancellation of the WHV
Log into your ImmiAccount and click on “Update details.”
Other situation changes
You can contact the Department of Home Affairs through the Working Holiday maker application enquiry form to inform them of any other major change (e.g. pregnancy, marriage, divorce, etc.).
What do I do if I need to change my passport details after applying?
If you get a new passport after your WHV was granted, you must notify the Department of Home Affairs and update your passport details. You won’t be able to board your flight if your new passport hasn’t been linked to your visa.
Don’t wait until the last minute to change your passport details—it may take some time for the information to be updated.
The easiest way to notify the Department of Home Affairs of a change of passport details is to log into your ImmiAccount, select “Update details”, then select “Change of passport details”:
If you made a spelling mistake in your name or you have changed names (e.g. maiden name to married name), answer “Yes” to: “Is the name in the applicant’s passport different to what they have previously advised the department?”
You should normally be answering “No” to the second question regarding the country issuing the passport. If you became a dual citizen, the answer should still be “No” because you didn’t apply for your WHV with your new citizenship.
You can now update the following details:
You also have to explain why you’re changing your passport details (e.g. lost document, document was stolen, document expired, etc.).
Usually, nothing further is required after you made the necessary changes. However, we do recommend keeping a copy of your previous passport information pages with your new passport, just in case someone asks to see them.
The Department of Home Affairs won’t always message you to confirm if the update was received. Don’t worry, as you can always go back to “Update details” a few days after you made the change. Check if the change was recorded under “Change of passport details.” You should also print your update as proof it was submitted, and take this with you to the airport.
What do I do if I want to cancel my application?
To withdraw your WHV application, contact the Department of Home Affairs through the Working Holiday maker application enquiry form BEFORE you receive a decision on your application.
Note that:
- The WHV fee is non-refundable, even if you withdraw your application.
- If you don’t use your WHV (i.e. you don’t enter Australia in the 12 months after your visa is granted), you can still apply for another WHV in the future. Therefore, it may not be necessary to request an application withdrawal.
- There’s no set quota of WHVs for Subclass 417. Don’t rush to apply and waste money; wait until you’re sure you will be able to travel to Australia.
Basically, withdrawing your application only makes sense if you make the request BEFORE payment is processed (usually a day or two after submitting the application). After that point, you can’t receive a refund, and you can’t withdraw a visa that has already been granted.
(20) Comments
Thanks Aiyana for this helpful guide!
Hi, should we also enter if we have lived for more than 3 consécutive months within The EUROPE? I am an EU citizen.
Or do they mean 3 consécutive months outside of EUROPE
Hello, 3 consecutive months in any country in the world , outside and inside Europe. 🙂
I am currently a PR holder in Australia. My wife is a UK passport holder. Can she apply for the 417 visa and attach my bank statement as proof of funds as she would be living with me during her time in Australia?
Hi Danyal, do you guys have a joint bank account?
If not, Australia doesn’t specify that having a guarantor is allowed, so you will probably need to send her the money. Then she’ll get a bank statement and can return the money to you.
To be honest, we’re not sure if they even look at the bank statements Working Holiday makers provide (especially when they process applications in 5 minutes) but I don’t want to encourage you to provide your bank statement and risk your wife’s visa being denied.
Hi Julie! Do you know if the expiry date on your passport has to be within a certain range when applying? (ie not going out of date within 6 months) Thanks a mill!
Hi Sarah, as long as your passport is valid throughout the processing of your application, it’s all good (more info here: https://pvtistes.net/en/passport-iec-working-holiday-canada/ (Case #4) 🙂
Hi Julie, this error message keeps on appearing “Based on the passport details, ___ is not eligible to apply using this online service. Ensure the passport details have been entered exactly as they display in the passport. The application will not be able to continue. Further information about eligibility is available on our website.” even though I already tripled check my details.
Hi KC-Lyn, what is your country of citizenship? 🙂
Hi Julie, thanks for all this information!
I’m in the process of applying for the visa but I noticed I do not have a copy of my highschool transcript anymore. Is this document required or will they ask me to submit a copy?
Hello, if you apply to the 417 visa, you don’t need to provide a highschool transcript 🙂 If you apply to the 462 visa (it depends on your country of citizenship), you might have to provide that type of documents: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/work-holiday-462/first-work-holiday-462#Eligibility
So you don’t have to send a visa photo or anything? I’m confused?
Hi Josephine, indeed they don’t ask for a picture but as you have to scan your passport, they see your picture on it 🙂 You’ll get an e-visa with no picture on it.
Petite question, j’ai suivis le tuto corps et amés pour avoir l’erreur “Based on the passport details, CHIKER ADHAM CHAHINE is not eligible to apply using this online service. ”
Je ne sais quoi faire j’ai bel est bien check, toutes les info sont bonnes, si quelqu’un peux m’aiguiller svp
Salut ! Tu es sûr d’avoir choisi le visa 417 et pas le 462 ? Tu dois aussi vérifier que tu n’as pas fait d’erreur dans ton numéro de passeport. Reprends bien le tutoriel en français point par point pour voir si tu ne t’es pas trompé quelque part : https://pvtistes.net/dossiers/tutoriel-pvt-australie/
thanks for the article! I have a question, maybe you can help: I applied for the visa one month before turning 31 and I was requested to do the health examinations. Unfortunately I only got an appointment in six weeks from now and will be 31 when I get the results. Will I still be eligible for the 417 visa?
Thanks so much 🙂
How did it go? I might be in a similar situation. Much appreciated.
Hi, it says in the article you can’t arrive in Australia before your 1st WHV is granted. On the Australian Immigration website it says
“You can apply for a visitor visa to come to Australia while you are waiting on an application outcome so long as the temporary visa matches your intentions”.
I’m waiting on my WHV to be granted but I’ve been granted a visitor visa also. Do you know if there would be any problems if I waited for my WHV while in Australia on my visitor visa?
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