4Using your TFN

Using your TFN

Filling out the tax file number declaration for an employer

As a new employee (and never before you’re officially hired!), you will have to complete a tax file number declaration form. You have 28 days to give it back to your employer. If you don’t provide your TFN within this timeframe, you will pay a lot more tax.

Here is a tax file number declaration sample. You have to fill out the “Payee” section and your employer has to fill out the “payer” section.



  • If you don’t have a TFN yet, tick “I have made a separate application/enquiry to the ATO for a new or existing TFN.” Leave the TFN number field blank for now.
  • Your personal details (first and last names, birth date) must match the info on your passport.
  • Ask your employer to give you the info for question 7, “On what basis are you paid?”
  • Tick “A working holiday maker” for question 8.
  • For question 9, “Do you want to claim the tax-free threshold from this payer?”, most employees tick “no.”
  • For question 10, “Do you have a Higher Education Loan Program […] or Trade Support Loan (TSL) debts?”, most WHV should tick “no.”

Keeping your TFN secure

Your TFN is your personal reference number in the tax and it’s part of your identity. You shouldn’t share your TFN information with too many people because you could potentially expose yourself to identity theft.

Only certain individuals, organizations or agencies can ask you for your TFN, including:

  • the ATO
  • your employer
  • banks and other financial institutions
  • the Department of Human Services
  • superannuation funds and retirement savings account providers

Do not provide your TFN:

  • when you want to rent a flat or buy a car
  • when you’re not formally hired (i.e. as part of the general job hunt process or before any formal employment offer)
  • when you register as a student (e.g. if you take language classes)

For more info, read Your tax file number.

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(4) Comments

Stephane I |

Salut! J ai un petit soucis, j ai fait ma demande pour le Tfn il y a environ une semaine mais je viens de me rendre compte que je n ai reçu aucune confirmation par mail, ou par téléphone.. est ce qu il y a un moyen de vérifier si la demande à bien été prise en compte ?Merci d avance

Annelise I |

Salut ! Si tu as bien vu la page de confirmation de demande avec un numéro de demande (comme celle qu’on montre ici : https://pvtistes.net/dossiers/tfn-australie/2/), c’est tout bon, il faut patienter 🙂

Stephane I |

J ai retrouvé un screenshort de la réservation, merci beaucoup pour votre réponse

Stephane I |

De la “confirmation”