9Cost of living in the Atlantic provinces (Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador)

Cost of living in Nova Scotia

This is a province where cost of living is relatively low, even in Halifax, the capital. Smaller cities like Sydney or Dartmouth are even cheaper.

Average wages in Nova Scotia

The minimum wage is $15.20 per hour.

Nova Scotia Average hourly wage
Average hourly wage (total employees all industries) $24.65
Business and finance $36.06
Health care $26.50
Education services $33.65
Arts and entertainment $18
Trades $31.99
Manufacturing $35
Sciences $41.03

Cost of living in Halifax

Rent prices

According to the CMHC, a bachelor apartment starts from $1,113 per month and a one-bedroom apartment from $1,490 per month… which may be a very low estimate.

There’s Halifax peninsula and Halifax mainland—living on the peninsula, closer to the downtown core, is more expensive than living on the mainland south of the city. Within the peninsula, the North End is cheaper than neighbourhoods on the south side. On the mainland, it’s the opposite.

Dartmouth, a ferry ride across Halifax, is slightly cheaper.

Public transportation

Halifax Transit operates the bus and ferry services:

  • Single trip: $3
  • 10 single trips: $27
  • Day pass: $7
  • Monthly pass: $90

For more information, check Fares, tickets and passes.


Food prices are generally slightly higher than in most Canadian cities—expect to pay more for produce, meat, fish, dairy products and eggs.


  • Restaurants: a meal and a non-alcoholic drink sets you back about $18 (plus tax and tip)
  • Bars: a beer is $8-$10 and your favourite cocktail $9-$12
  • Movie theatre: a ticket is $16

Cost of living in New Brunswick

Here is another province where cost of living can be lower than in the rest of Canada.

Average wages in New Brunswick

The minimum wage is $15.30 per hour.

New Brunswick Average hourly wage
Average hourly wage (total employees all industries) $25.72
Business and finance $43.27
Health care $26.50
Education services $38.29
Arts and entertainment $30.35
Trades $34.62
Manufacturing $33.65
Sciences $38

Rent prices

New Brunswick is one of the provinces with the cheapest monthly rent.

In Moncton, according to the CMHC, a bachelor apartment starts from $834 per month and a one-bedroom apartment from $998 per month.

In Fredericton, according to the CMHC, you can get a bachelor apartment from $905 per month and a one-bedroom apartment from $1,060 per month.

In Saint John, according to the CMHC, a bachelor apartment starts from $756 per month and a one-bedroom apartment from $912 per month.

Public transportation

In Moncton, Codiac Transpo operates the city’s bus service:

  • Single trip: $3
  • Day pass: $7
  • Monthly pass: $71

For more details, read Fares.

Saint John Transit serves the eponymous city:

  • Single trip: $3
  • Monthly pass: $81

For more information, read Fares and passes.

Fredericton Transit operates the bus service in the city:

  • Single trip: $3
  • Monthly pass: $85

For more information, read Fares.


Rent is cheaper than in many cities but food tends to be more expensive, especially produce, dairy products and eggs.


  • Restaurants: a meal and a non-alcoholic drink sets you back about $25 (plus tax and tip)
  • Bars: a beer is $5-$6 and your favourite cocktail $9-$10
  • Movie theatre: a ticket is between $10-$12 (depending on the city)

Cost of living in Newfoundland and Labrador

Average wages in Newfoundland and Labrador

The minimum wage is $15.60 per hour.

Newfoundland and Labrador Average hourly wage
Average hourly wage (total employees all industries) $31
Business and finance $36.25
Health care $26.30
Education services $41.21
Arts and entertainment $21
Trades $25.48
Manufacturing $43.27
Sciences $42.56

Cost of living in St John’s

Rent prices

According to the CMHC, a bachelor apartment starts from $727 per month and a one-bedroom apartment from $919 per month.

Public transportation

Metrobus operates the city’s bus service:

  • Single trip: $2.50
  • 10-ride pass: $22.50
  • Monthly pass: $78

For more details, read Fares.


  • Restaurants: a meal and a non-alcoholic drink sets you back about $25-$30 (plus tax and tip)
  • Bars: a beer is $8 and your favourite cocktail $14
  • Movie theatre: a ticket is $16

For more info about St John’s, read Getting settled.

Cost of living in Prince Edward Island

The smallest and least populated province offers a relatively low cost of living, including in Charlottetown, the capital.

Average wages in Prince Edward Island

The minimum wage is $16.

Prince Edward Island Average hourly wage
Average hourly wage (total employees all industries) $25
Business and finance $38.46
Health care $23.52
Education services $38.46
Arts and entertainment $18.67
Trades $30
Manufacturing $38.88
Sciences $34.22

Cost of living in Charlottetown

Rent prices

According to the CMHC, a bachelor apartment starts from $664 per month and a one-bedroom apartment from $910per month.

Public transportation

T3 Transit provides service to Charlottetown and all of PEI:

  • Single trip: $2
  • 10 single trips: $18
  • Monthly pass: $20

For more info, check Fares.


  • Restaurants: a meal and a non-alcoholic drink sets you back about $20 (plus tax and tip)
  • Bars: a beer is $7 and your favourite cocktail $12
  • Movie theatre: a ticket is $15
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