3Getting started in Edmonton

In chronological order, here are the tasks you’ll want to complete before you can settle down in your new home:

1. Social Insurance Number (SIN)

We detail the procedure of how to obtain your SIN in Getting your Canadian Social Insurance Number. You will need a SIN before you can legally start working.

2. Open a bank account

With your SIN secured, you can now open a bank account. This will be necessary to make purchases with a local bank card and to be able to receive payments from any future employer!

You may also want to open up a bank account before arriving in Canada. Pvtistes has a great deal with National Bank of Canada; open your account online and you’ll receive $100 cashback plus three years of no-fee banking.

Ultimately, there are many banks available and it’s up to you to choose the one that best suits your needs.

3. Buy a telephone plan

Once you have a bank account sorted, you’ll be able to buy a Canadian SIM or mobile phone plan and get your Canadian phone number. This Canadian number will be extremely important for applying for jobs, as most employers want to see evidence you are already in Canada.

4. Register at the consulate

Not obligatory but recommended! Many countries encourage their citizens to register with the local embassy or consulate abroad. This is a free service that can come in handy in case of emergency, at home or in Canada. Check whether you need to show up in person or complete the process online.

5. Look up services for new arrivals

To learn more about Alberta, and more specifically about Edmonton, the city has produced a helpful document for newcomers to familiarise themselves with the city and the province.

Edmonton also has a toll-free number to inform you about city services. To learn more, click here or call 311.

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