8Do I need a medical exam?

Not all applicants are asked to take a medical exam. It depends on the information you provided in your application—conditions mentioned, countries visited, preferred industries to work in Australia (i.e., if you want to work in healthcare or with children).

Some applicants may be required to be tested for HIV, Hepatitis B and/or C, or have a chest X-ray for tuberculosis. You will be informed of this requirement as soon as possible, your visa won’t be issued until the tests are done. The results may take several weeks to be sent to the Department of Home Affairs.

Medical exams seem to be requested more often from working holiday makers applying for a second WHV, even if no particular health condition was mentioned.

The bottom line is, don’t take a medical until you are asked to do so.

You must pay the medical exam and test fees and you can only go to one of the Department’s approved panel physicians or clinics.

Once you’ve taken the required tests and exams, sit back and relax—you will know soon enough whether your WHV was issued. Just a warning, your application may be delayed.

These are the two forms you may have to provide if you’re asked to take a medical exam:

  • Form 26: Medical examination for an Australian visa
  • Form 160: Radiological report on chest X-ray of an applicant for an Australian visa
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Cofounder of pvtistes.net. I went to Canada and Australia on Working Holiday aventures. It was amazing!

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