Romane, realising her childhood dream of moving to Canada

1. Can you please introduce yourself?
My name is Romane. I turned 31 in February 2024 and I grew up in France, by the Atlantic Ocean in Charente-Maritime (but I’m definitely not a surfer!). I have a masters in communication and marketing.
2. Where did you go for your WHV and why?
I have dreamt of moving to Canada since I was 13, without really knowing why since I didn’t have any existing ties to this country. It was just a voice inside of me. So once I was finally selected in the lottery (after several years), it was an easy decision for me to embark on a working holiday in Canada. I was very excited!
3. What have you done during your working holiday?
Since I chose Montreal as my city, I started by exploring the province of Quebec, which was totally unknown to me. I’ve discovered beautiful landscapes, especially around Parc de la Gatineau, a great place for hikes. It is even open to dogs. Yes, I brought my pitou, like they say in Quebec 😉 And then I quickly found a job, since I also wanted to experience the world of work here as well.
4. What has your WHV experience brought you so far?
Confidence! When you’re on the other side of the planet, far from everyone you know, you have no choice but to believe in and listen to yourself. It’s an incredible form of personal development.
5. What is your best memory since starting your working holiday?
It was when one of my best friends visited me in fall. With a few other friends, we booked a typical Canadian home in the middle of a forest with a river that flowed through the garden. It looked like a film set. It was near Parc de la Gatineau. The leaves were multicoloured, the weather was perfect for hiking, the landscapes were impressive and the lakes shimmered under the sun.
6. What do you like most about Canada? Has it lived up to your expectations?
I like the fact that Canada is big and (almost) impossible to explore every corner. I don’t like falling into a routine, so it’s great for me since I can never get bored here. Even in Montreal, I discover a new street every day. The bonus is that it borders the US, also a country that I love for its diverse landscapes. As for expectations, I didn’t have any. I didn’t come to Canada to escape anything or find something “better”. I simply came to discover the country and to experience something different. Everything really is different and new.
7. Any advice for prospective working holiday makers?
Create your own experience. Listen to yourself (a lot)! A working holiday is a way of discovering many things, meeting many people, and finding freedom. Make the most of what your destination has to offer. Dare to step outside of your comfort zone.
8. What are your upcoming plans?
I would love to visit Gaspésie, Vermont, and travel south along the east coast until South Carolina in the US. I might return to France in a year and a half to be with my friends and family, but until then, I still have tons of things to see and do and I want to make the most of it.
9. An interesting anecdote to wrap it up?
On the way home from Montmorency Falls Park this summer, my boyfriend and I had decided to take the Chemin du Roy route rather than the highway. It’s a scenic route along the Saint Lawrence River that connects Quebec City and Montreal. The drive is absolutely sublime, lined with beautiful views and cute villages. The only issue was that we didn’t realize how long it would take! We ended up doubling our time getting home, compared to if we had taken the highway. We thought we would never make it, but in the end it was worth it.

Je suis Meghan, ancienne rédactrice web pour Pvtistes. Je suis Québécoise, originaire de la Côte-Nord. J’ai réalisé un PVT en France de 2022 à 2024. Je m’apprête à repartir ailleurs...
I'm Meghan, former writer for Pvtistes. I'm from Quebec, originally from the Côte-Nord region. I did a WHV in France from 2022 to 2024. I'm getting ready to leave again...
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