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Our partners are available to answer any of your questions. Feel free to leave your comments.

60 Reviews

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3 3
This review was posted in French. Show original

I have been trying to open an account for 3 days but during the step of choosing the fund, the site turns in circles and suddenly impossible to continue. What to do?

thank you

9 0
This review was posted in French. Show original


First of all, thank you for your interest in Desjardins and congratulations on your project in Canada.
It seems that we had a technical problem on the account opening page but after a test this morning it seems to be resolved.
For the “Address in Canada” section, you can give us the address where you think you will reside even temporarily or work to allow us to choose the Fund (= agency) most convenient for you. We can then modify it with your final address.
If the problem persists, I suggest you contact us at [email protected]
In addition, here is a summary of the support provided by Desjardins for your needs
Desjardins is the leading cooperative financial group in Canada with more than 7 million members and clients
We are committed to providing the best possible support to people who have a life project in Canada, as you will read at or in the brochure to download at pdf / guide_desjardins.pdf
We also offer free conferences to help you prepare for your project or when you arrive in Canada:
Before your departure: Information and registration on
After your arrival: Information and registration on
If you have other Canadian banking questions, we invite you to contact our dedicated team for newcomers and non-residents directly: + 1-514-875-4266, option 1 [email protected]

0 4
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hello, I’m only going to stay in Montreal for 5 months, can someone tell me if I can leave the bank after these 5 months? Thank you 🙂

9 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Thank you for your interest in Desjardins.
You can open your account remotely at
You can then finalize it in Canada (Quebec or Ontario)
the condition for most banks in Canada is to stay at least 6 months in Canada.
If you stay 5 months in Montreal and then at least 1 month in another province, you are eligible for an account in Canada and with Desjardins.
Indeed, our means of payment (debit card, credit card, checks, INTERAC transfers, etc.) work across Canada.
So if you travel in Canada outside Quebec and Ontario, you can pay with the 2 debit or credit cards at no additional cost.
In addition, cash withdrawals are rare in Canada because the 2 debit and credit cards are “contactless” up to $ 100
Finally, if you do not have any nearby Desjardins ATMs, you can always withdraw cash free of charge, with your debit card, in a grocery store, using “cash back” (see page 62 of the guide)
If you have other Canadian banking questions, we invite you to contact our dedicated team for newcomers and non-residents directly: + 1-514-875-4266, option 1 [email protected]

4 15
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hello, how many times can I make a withdrawal per week? With an account opened online for new students.
Thank you

5.2K 14.2K
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hello Nass, with the newcomers’ offer detailed above, you have an unlimited number of transactions (including withdrawals) 🙂

4 15
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hello, how many times can I make a withdrawal per week? With an account opened online for new students.
Thank you

0 5
This review was posted in French. Show original

I took the necessary steps to open my account online and I received an email from Desjardins.
However, I cannot open the attached document, even by entering my passport number as a password. Can you help me?

9 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Good morning.
Thank you for your interest in Desjardins.

Following the first email with your Desjardins RIB from our Newcomers team, you must have received a second one containing a password to open it.

WARNING: emails sometimes arrive in the SPAM or unwanted mail box.

If this is not the case, you can directly contact our team dedicated to new arrivals and non-residents:
+1-514-875-4266, option 1
[email protected]


Desjardins Europe

9 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Good morning
Thank you for your trust in Desjardins.
To ensure that you have the correct password, I invite you to contact our Newcomers team directly at [email protected] or at 001 514 875 42 66 option 1.
Desjardins Europe

13 22
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hello !
It seems, when opening a remote account, that it is necessary to give the address that we will have in Canada. Except I intend (as many surely!) To take advantage of the Working Holiday Permit to change place and even province more or less regularly … what should I communicate as an address?

9 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Thank you for your interest in Desjardins.
For the “Address in Canada” section, you can tell us the neighborhood where you think you will even be living temporarily or work to allow us to choose the Caisse (= agency) most convenient for you. Then we can change it with your final address.
If you have other Canadian banking questions, we invite you to directly contact our team dedicated to newcomers and non-residents:
+ 1-514-875-4266, option 1 [email protected]

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Is the “good garden plan” with Globe PVT valid for Calgary and / or Vancouver?
Thank you

9 24
This review was posted in French. Show original


First of all, thank you for your interest in Desjardins and congratulations on your project in Canada.

Desjardins is present throughout Quebec and Ontario but we are not present in the rest of Canada as you will see on
However, our payment methods (debit card, credit card, checks, INTERAC transfers, etc.) work across Canada.

If you have other Canadian banking questions, we invite you to directly contact our team dedicated to newcomers and non-residents:
+ 1-514-875-4266, option 1 [email protected]


Desjardins Europe

4 10
This review was posted in French. Show original

I’m flying tomorrow for Montreal.
I received the certificate of transfer of funds, to make my transfer via transfer wise and I cannot send money because it is written that my account number must contain 16 characters, except it has only 15 !! does this have to do with the absence of a verifier number?

5.2K 14.2K
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hi Michaël, has the problem been solved? I know that many pvtistes go through Transfermate to send their money to a Desjardins account and that it works well. The two transfer organizations should work more or less the same so normally it should be good 🙂