3Travelling by bus in Canada

Travelling by bus in Canada

Travelling around eastern Canada by bus is relatively easy—Megabus connects many cities in this corner of Canada, especially in Ontario and Quebec. You can usually travel between major cities, sometimes with a connection. There are plenty of US-bound buses (including to New York City) from Toronto as well.

Greyhound was the biggest bus company in Canada but it stopped all domestic service. The US affiliate still offers cross-border routes.

There are also several local companies—look for them online or contact the local tourist info centre.

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En PVT au Canada de novembre 2021 à 2023, je répondrai à vos questions avec plaisir. Pour le premier trimestre 2024, direction l'Amérique latine !

I moved from France to Canada on a WHV from November 2021 to 2023, followed then by spending the first quarter of 2024 in Latin America! Happy to answer all your questions.

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