2Pros and cons of the Canadian Working Holiday permit

Pros and cons of the Canadian Working Holiday permit


  • This is the only work permit that allows you to travel around Canada for more than six months. Other types of work permits generally don’t give you enough time to explore the country at the end of your contract—the Working Holiday offers both the opportunity to travel and the chance to work.
  • The Working Holiday permit is an open work permit, which means it isn’t tied to a specific employer. Not only you can work for several employers, but you don’t need to find a job before you travel to Canada.
  • With this flexible work permit, you can switch jobs anytime, work in any province or territory in Canada, and even work several jobs at the same time.
  • Whereas other types of work permits may be tricky to obtain if you’re self-employed or if you’re a freelancer, your status isn’t an issue on a Working Holiday.
  • Eligibility requirements are fairly basic and the application process is straightforward. Your education, work experience, travel experience and language skills are irrelevant—an 18-year-old applicant who has just finished high school has as much chance to get a Working Holiday permit as a 28-year-old applicant with a degree and a decade of work experience behind them!


  • Depending on your citizenship, you may only be eligible to apply for a Working Holiday once, and the permit isn’t renewable. To check how many participations you are eligible for, see Find out if you’re eligible — International Experience Canada.
  • Some employers may be reluctant to hire employees on a Working Holiday because of their lack of permanent status in Canada. This is especially true for 12-month permit holders. You could always let your potential employer know if you plan to eventually apply for permanent residency and intend to stay in Canada for as long as necessary to show your commitment.
  • Canada sets an annual quota of permits and in some countries, demand exceeds supply. A computerised system draws applicants at random so you could be waiting for a few days or a few months to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA)—and you may not receive an ITA at all. See chapter 4 for more information.
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The pvtistes.net team has been around since 2005, guiding thousands of young adults through all aspects of their working holiday!

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