6Day of the appointment and departure preparation

During your appointment (VFS, embassy, or consulate), the personnel will take your biometrics and check your application for completion. Make sure to bring your application form, passport, and all required supporting documents. If you notice an error in your application form, you can ask the VFS or consular associate to correct it for you on the spot.

You’ll need to leave your passport at the appointment site, so don’t plan any international travel during the visa processing period. Your passport will be returned to you (either via mail or pickup) with the WHV affixed inside.

Processing times depend entirely on the French consulate of your jurisdiction. You should wait until your visa is in hand before buying a plane ticket.

france pvt whv

Initial entry into France

Your initial entry into France should be no earlier than the start date indicated on your visa. If you arrive, for example, one month after the printed start date, you effectively lose one month of time in France. The WHV does not need to be “activated” in any way. Usually the customs agent will ask to see just your passport and visa so there’s no need to present a large stack of papers.

WHV holders don’t have any additional visa-related steps to do upon entry into France. The visa does not need to be validated, and it is not necessary (nor possible) to obtain a separate residence card or work permit.

For more information, read:

Setting up your life

Read these important resources to start your adventure on the right foot.

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I'm a web writer at pvtistes.net. In February 2023 I moved from Vancouver to Paris. Adventures await.
Je suis rédacteur web chez pvtistes.net. En février 2023 j’ai déménagé de Vancouver à Paris. Des aventures m’attendent.

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(2) Comments

Jupiroa I |

Hi, thank you for the information, I am from Colombia, could I fill out the form first on https://france-visas.gouv.fr/en/ before they open the applications ?

Jackson I |

Hi there! Yes you can start the form early. Once the season fully opens for Colombia then you can make an appointment and submit your application.