7A postal address in New Zealand - Poste restante

New Zealand Post allows you to have mail sent to you free of charge via “Poste restante”. This system is different from a post office box (P.O. box).

  • A P.O. box gives you a fixed postal address with a fixed letterbox where you can have your regular mail sent to. Please note, however, that you cannot use a P.O. box for your IRD applications.
  • The “Poste restante” allows you to have parcels sent (by yourself or friends) to various locations in New Zealand. They then hold the letters or parcels free of charge for one week, if the weight does not exceed 30 kilos.

It is even possible to have a parcel sent from a poste restante for a fee. The poste restante service is not available in all New Zealand post offices, but most towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants have one. In total, there are over 40 poste restante outlets scattered throughout the country. You don’t need to register for any services. Simply ask your friends and family to send your parcel to the Poste Restante address, giving your name, the Poste Restante service and the address. You can then collect your letter or parcel directly from the post office within 2 months, provided you have proof of identity (your passport).

You can find more information directly on the New Zealand Post Poste Restante page.

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