Going on a Working Holiday in New Zealand? You must apply for an IRD number to work (but not necessarily to start working, we’ll explain below!). Otherwise, without this number, your income will be taxed at the highest rate. Some employers also require an IRD number as part of the formal hiring process. In this guide, we’re going to walk you through all the steps to a successful IRD number application.
1Documents and information required for your IRD number application

Grab the documents listed below and get started!

State-issued photo ID

You need your passport number to start the application process.

Immigration New Zealand Application number

This number was sent to you by email when your Working Holiday Visa application was approved. Note that it’s not the visa number on your Work Permit.

You will find your Immigration New Zealand Application number in the subject line of your WHV approbation email. You can also find it on the New Zealand Immigration website by logging into your account and clicking on “My Application” on the right of the home page. This number is your “Application number.”

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

New Zealand requires the tax number for your country of residence.

For instance, Canadians must provide their Social Insurance Number, British can enter their UK National Insurance number, etc.
You can find your country’s acceptable TIN here.

New Zealand bank account details (optional)

It is now possible to apply for an IRD number online without having a bank account in New Zealand. To do so, select the “no bank account” option. However, you will need to provide a New Zealand bank account number later on for tax purposes.

If you already have a New Zealand bank account, you will need to provide either:

  • A bank statement (showing your surname[s], first name[s], account number…).
  • A letter from your bank (showing your name and account number).

Can I apply for my IRD number if I am still abroad but have already started the process of opening a bank account in New Zealand?

No, you must have activated your WHV to apply for your IRD number.

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The pvtistes.net team has been around since 2005, guiding thousands of young adults through all aspects of their working holiday!

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