Lisa, recently arrived in Toronto on a WHV (Working Holiday Visa)

1. Can you please introduce yourself?
My name is Lisa. I’m 26 years old and I’m from Nantes, France. I have a masters in communications and a few years after graduation, I embarked on a working holiday.
2. Where did you go for your working holiday and why?
I arrived in Toronto in October 2023! I chose Canada because this country has always fascinated me for as long as I can remember. I wanted to experience daily life in English, so I knew Quebec wouldn’t be for me. Toronto is a big city that is easily reachable from France as a starting point.
3. What are your thoughts about Canada since arriving on a WHV?
At the time of this interview, I’ve been here for three months. So far my experience is quite positive, though life abroad definitely requires some getting used to. The most challenging is to adapt your habits to a new environment, all the while forming new ones. My biggest fear was the cold, but it turned out to be not too bad!
4. What has your working holiday experience brought you so far?
It hasn’t been very long since my arrival, but even just making the decision of going abroad on a working holiday has allowed me to learn more about myself. Embarking on this journey has brought me more peace in my daily life, even if certain aspects of re-learning everything can be at times stressful. I was looking for a new environment that was healthier and less anxiety-inducing, but I wasn’t expecting Canada to be a perfect paradise either (let’s be realistic). But I would say that for the moment, my WHV has taught me to redefine my priorities and to discover a country from a point of view different from that of a tourist’s.
5. Favourite memory of these first 3 months of your working holiday?
My favourite memory so far is my arrival. The moment when I entered my apartment and saw the city illuminated against the night sky. I remember that I spent a week taking photos day and night of the same view, and I’m still not tired of it!
Another memory comes to mind. I attended a basketball game, and it was just like in the movies! It was a very cool experience that I would happily relive every day if I could. Next on my list: hockey and baseball.
Another memory comes to mind. I attended a basketball game, and it was just like in the movies! It was a very cool experience that I would happily relive every day if I could. Next on my list: hockey and baseball.
6. Any advice for prospective working holiday makers?
The hardest part is the decision to embark. Once you are at your destination, things will seem less daunting. Of course, daily life abroad will come with surprises and no destination is perfect. I think we tend to see the idea of leaving everything behind as a scary big deal, but in actuality, it might just be the very best decision you make.
My advice: be sure to prepare adequately for your departure to avoid showing up completely clueless in a foreign land.
My advice: be sure to prepare adequately for your departure to avoid showing up completely clueless in a foreign land.
7. What are your plans for the rest of your WHV?
My WHV lasts two years. I plan to finish my first year in Ontario, and then maybe move west for my second year. This is only the beginning, so my plans might change. But Canada is too big for me to stay in just one place!
8. An interesting anecdote to wrap it up?
For the moment, it’s related to my desire for French food. I paid $10 for a sweet crepe thinking that it was going to be like how it’s served back home. Obviously, it wasn’t good and I regretted spending the $10.

Je suis Meghan, ancienne rédactrice web pour Pvtistes. Je suis Québécoise, originaire de la Côte-Nord. J’ai réalisé un PVT en France de 2022 à 2024. Je m’apprête à repartir ailleurs...
I'm Meghan, former writer for Pvtistes. I'm from Quebec, originally from the Côte-Nord region. I did a WHV in France from 2022 to 2024. I'm getting ready to leave again...
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