Globe WHV Insurance Reviews

Globe WHV: you'll be covered for hospitalization, repatriation (after a major accident, for instance), accidental death, personal civil liability, etc.

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575 Reviews

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RAS, good.

0 0
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Hello, I have been refused reimbursement for radios and physiotherapy sessions. For the reason that the injury that I had, was prior to my arrival in Argentina. Any specialist can testify that some meniscus injuries are not painful and others are. I had a painless previous one and I made another painful one. The explanations for the non-reimbursement were given from the radio results and not following the doctor’s explanation. We know that the radio results will give all the little things highlighted during the radio lesions included. As a result, I find that the refusal of reimbursement for this reason is not justified. If I can attach a doctor’s certificate, will I be reimbursed? After in this quarantine period it seems complicated to me. cordially

1 8
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I suffered an assault and therefore I had to consult a doctor urgently and advance medical costs. Globe PVT reimbursed me in full.

0 0
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I had health problems during my trip to Canada and Globe PVT was very helpful. The medical consultant and the entire team were very responsive.
I highly recommend Globe PVT!

0 34
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Several refunds always quickly received.
The amount reimbursed remains limited because the costs are higher in Canada than in France.

The support always respond quickly on my side.

0 0
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It is very easy to request a refund and the deadlines are short before getting a response, most often in favor of the refund. Finally, real insurance that you can trust.

0 1
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Refund requests are processed very quickly. It’s really simple

1.3K 5.6K
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Hello Merry,

Thank you for your nice message, I will notify our teams.


2 1
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Hello everyone, I wanted to thank Sandra for her availability and her kindness.
It allowed me to be able to postpone the start date of my insurance contract. I had to leave on March 29 for Canada but because of COVID19 I could not leave. My insurance started on March 28 and I requested March 27 to change the date. Despite the really very short timeframe Sandra changed my date.
I am very grateful to him

0 0
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Simple, fast, efficient.

0 0
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I had several problems with your insurance. I have had to go to the emergency room in Montreal, Canada several times since the beginning of January and I am fighting for reimbursement.

Before going to the emergency room, my spouse (not being in a state myself) to call (+33) 1 55 98 72 73 (number on the insurance card), mutuaide medical team, who told him to take me to the emergency room as quickly as possible, file number 200063032.

I sent my file for each case with the requested papers and I had a period of one month after receipt of the file to get a response.

When I finally received an answer, I was asked to scan my invoices without a receipt, which I did. Then, for each of my requests, I was asked for medical reports of my emergency visits from January to February (medical reports). Before sending my file and after this message, I contacted the emergency services, who replied that these documents were not available as a non-resident and not affiliated with the RAMQ (Régie d’Assurance Quebec disease). So I sent an email to your insurance company explaining this and that, perhaps, the hospital will agree to give them to you if you call them.

In the emergency room each time, I was given my bill and a prescription for medication with work stoppage for certain cases. Since these drugs are not harmless, it should suffice as proof of my state of emergency.

The emergency physicians recommended that I go to a general practitioner quickly after each of my visits and have a scan and an MRI, which I did as soon as possible, online request number # 13980, # 14447, # 14886, # 15376, # 15377. Each of these requests has been validated by Globe PVT insurance with a doctor’s certificate and requests for brain scan and MRI and a visit to a neurologist made at the request of the mutuaide doctor team (file number 200063032 ).

Is it possible to have an extension number to follow up on my file with one person, not being +33 1 40 47 91 00 who does not give an answer.

Best regards,

Léa Goguilllon

Certification number: GCA7463445

1.3K 5.6K
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hello Leah,

Thank you for your testimony.
First of all, I hope you are better.
I do not know the context and am not authorized to answer personal medical questions, however, I can tell you that it is normal to ask for supporting documents.
When the file is not complete, the insurer’s medical adviser, who studies the requests we receive, cannot respond taking into account the conditions of your insurance contract.
In fact, apart from a simple cold, a gastro, medical reports are often requested.

Besides, I don’t have access to the files but I can just see that the files that you indicate were well treated on February 21, March 5, 7 and 18, 2020.

If you need more information you can send an email to the medical service: [email protected].

I hope that answers your questions.

I remain available


1.3K 5.6K
This review was posted in French. Show original

I forgot to give you such.
You can call our medical service directly from Monday, during Paris office hours.
It may be overloaded given the current context.
Don’t hesitate to try again.

0 0
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Hello Sandra,
The site does not offer a button to respond to your messages, I respond this way.
 This message is dedicated to those who go on a WHP in Montreal, and who may be subject to more serious problems than a simple gastro or cold.
The hospitals of the city are overwhelmed before and even more with the current context. The care is mimine for those who do not have the RAMQ.
An emergency costs at least CAD 1,000 on your arrival and the reimbursement and billing time for hospitals takes at least 2 weeks.
 As the files are computerized and linked to a RAMQ insured number, you will be unable to obtain a medical certificate or report such as blood test, radio and infusion.

The [email protected] knows this context very well and uses it to avoid repaying large sums to the PVTiste.

The mutuaide teams of doctor partners at GlobePVT do their best to support you in these crisis contexts and I thank them.

For the number, Sandra I will always wish to have one because we are talking about significant sums and I have been trying to get answers since at least the beginning of February with servicemedical @ acs.

I wish good luck to all pvtistes having GlobePVT as insurance and currently in Montreal who will have to face the Covid-19 in overloaded emergencies and with great difficulty to obtain a medical appointment.
Thank you for putting people first.
Lea Goguillon

1.3K 5.6K
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hello Leah,

I understand what you say, it is indeed a large sum.

However, it is not nice to say that Globe PVT is not taking advantage of the current situation not to reimburse:

Indeed, for your information, Mutuaide is our assistance platform and processes our files.
They are available 24 hours a day for our policyholders;)
You can therefore call them whenever you want for any assistance request.

In addition, most emergency departments have always taken several days or even weeks to issue medical reports and this is not related to the current context.
When the file is complete and the insurer’s medical adviser has everything necessary to respond, he obviously does so immediately, but if he lacks information to give a ruling, he cannot advance.
Afterwards, you can always indicate yourself with as much detail as possible for the attention of the medical adviser to see if this is suitable while waiting to receive the reports. Depending on the context, sometimes it can decide.

And precisely, given the current context, our teams are mobilized to respond to hundreds of messages every day and try to remain reactive, despite the total confinement in France and the difficulties that this can cause. AND no email remains unanswered.

For such. I thought I had indicated it in my second message, you can worry free call Paris office hours from Monday to Friday at 33 1 40 47 91 04 and ask to speak to Ghanyat.

Voila, I hope that these explanations will be clearer for you and will make you understand that our team of managers does everything possible to help you as best as possible, on a daily basis.

Be well.

0 0
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Thanks for the Sandra number.

I know very well the context having had to repatriate to France at the beginning of March to have a follow-up of my adequate state as proposed by the mutuaide team.

The repatriation was proposed to Globe PVT but in view of ACS responses not being sufficiently reactive and of my problems and the medical expenses which accumulated, I had to do it with my own means after verifications by cerebral MRI which n had no risk of flying.

I do not question your skills for medical follow-up but do not understand, whereas they have all my files and all my requests for reimbursement that they delay the reimbursements with automatic messages by always asking for more documents that put a lot time to be retrieved, sent, then processed and while the file contains the documents originally requested.

My first visits to the emergency dates in early January, to date I have had no reimbursement despite the calls (abroad moreover) and emails.

The invoices clearly show the radios, the medicines and therefore attest to my condition. In addition, once again, the mutuaides teams have all of my medical follow-up and have helped me a lot to have follow-up in Quebec.

Thank you for your understanding and for the number I will be sure to call tomorrow. And I hope ACS will also be understanding.

1.3K 5.6K
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Thanks for your return.
I could not go into more detail because I do not know the context and am not empowered either.
All I know is that your files were well processed on February 21, March 5, 7 and 18, 2020 so I don’t understand why you are saying the opposite. The best indeed is that you see this over the phone tomorrow.

Good health to you.

0 0
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The context may not be clear.
These reimbursements are for amounts of less than $ 500 which are made over the internet. I have no problem with those there.
My concern comes from the higher amounts for emergency visits which requires a file sent by post and for which I do not have a tracking number. You have to advance more than $ 1000 each time and the time between receiving the invoice, mailing, processing and sending the response is very long. I take the time to send a complete file so as not to have any additional delay and despite this I receive the information that documents are missing which are still taking a long time to receive.
I understand that you are not authorized to answer and do not have my file, which is why I asked you for the number.
Being in the testimony section, I have to share this experience and warn other pvtistes that more serious health problems can be a problem financially in view of the advance to be provided and the reimbursement time for this kind of more complicated file. than a simple visit to the doctor.

1.3K 5.6K
This review was posted in French. Show original

In fact, when the file is complete, apart from the postal deadlines, things go fairly quickly.
Afterwards, I fully understand that it is not obvious because we still have to obtain the medical reports. Reason why I indicated above that you can explain yourself with a maximum of detail for the attention of the medical adviser to see if it may be suitable or not, you never know. Depending on the context, sometimes it can decide.
I hope this will be resolved quickly.
Good continuation.

0 0
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Your phone number has unlocked my situation, thank you.

Good continuation,
Lea Goguillon

1.3K 5.6K
This review was posted in French. Show original

Perfect, happy for you Leah.

Good continuation

10K 20.6K
This review was posted in French. Show original

Hello Leah,
Do you want to update your note because you left a 2/5? 🙂
Thank you

0 0
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Hello Mathieu,

Sandra was a great help to me and helped unblock my situation, I thank her for that.

The fact is that we had to go through this public testimony to advance my case, which I do not consider normal. Contact me as quickly to change my note either.

In my opinion there is a problem with the method of reimbursement and the communication on files with large amounts and dating before the Covid-19 crisis. And for that, I think that my score of 2/5 is still justified in the case of my emergency file.

Best regards,

10K 20.6K
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No problem, I understand and it can sometimes happen to have some concerns but if you look at all the testimonials they are positive;)