Globe WHV Insurance Reviews

Globe WHV: you'll be covered for hospitalization, repatriation (after a major accident, for instance), accidental death, personal civil liability, etc.

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575 Reviews

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5 26
This review was posted in French. Show original

I lost a composite after a meal. I directly called the insurance who answered me immediately and gave the procedure to follow. They informed me of the authorized amount and I made an appointment with a dentist. I advanced the fees and got my refund pretty quickly.

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

I am very happy with the management of my file 🙂

0 18
This review was posted in French. Show original

Easy and fast don’t hesitate to go for it!

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Fast, simple, easy to communicate, reimbursement within 10 days.

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Refunds without worries from the moment we supply all the parts.

3 19
This review was posted in French. Show original

Small big up to Sandra, who is particularly efficient and quick to answer the questions I asked her about my travels in Asia and the sequence with my second pvt in Australia btw not disappointed with the Globe PVT insurance which gave me reimbursed quickly when I needed it (ear infection in Australia which accumulated at cost + – $ 1000)

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

A listening team and a very clear approach! Simple and efficient. Thank you

0 1
This review was posted in French. Show original

Regarding reimbursement requests: simple (I only tested for small expenses).
For a second request, personal information should be pre-recorded (copy of whv, passport).

19 35
This review was posted in French. Show original

Simple and quick to fill out form. Processing times and rapid reimbursement also

3 19
This review was posted in French. Show original

I am satisfied for the moment with the speed of the service (despite my second sending of e-mail to expedite the request or I had no response).

However, I find it unfortunate that the osteopathy sessions are not a little reimbursed. It helps to treat small concerns that will avoid repatriation or a larger operation, which is much more expensive ….