1The resident permit and the social insurance number

Are you considering applying for a Working Holiday Visa for France? Are you already planning your arrival? Here is a guide to your first steps after landing.

The “carte de séjour” (residence permit)

WHV holders don’t need to apply for a “carte de séjour,” which is a temporary residence permit. The WHV visa affixed to your passport is used in lieu of a carte de séjour.

The ministère de l’Intérieur (ministry of Home Affairs in France) states that:

“Under the signed bilateral agreement, the long stay [Working Holiday] visa is valid for a maximum of 12 months and is intended for young people. It is only available to citizens of a few countries. Under the bilateral agreement, visa holders are exempt from the residence card requirement throughout the period of the validity of the visa.”

How to get a “numéro de sécurité sociale” (social insurance number)

In France, you need a social insurance number to work and get paid. Your employer uses this number for income-reporting purposes. Each applicant is issued a unique number for life.

To learn more about the topic, read How to apply for a “numéro de sécurité sociale” (social insurance number).

Next chapter

Amoureuse des Etats-Unis, de l'Utah et du voyage en train, j'ai passé 7 mois à Montréal en 2010, et j'en ai profité pour découvrir la Nouvelle-Angleterre en long, en large et en travers !
Mon coup de cœur avec Montréal date de 2008, et d'un mois estival là-bas... Depuis, je ne fais qu'y retourner !

J'ai réalisé deux tours des Etats-Unis (& Canada) en 2012 puis en 2014. Plusieurs mois sur les routes, c'est formateur... De retour à Montréal en 2019-2020 pour un PVT, avant de raccrocher !
Sur PVTistes.net, j'aime partager mon expérience sur le forum, dans des dossiers thématiques ou même en personne ! Vous me croiserez sûrement à Lyon, ma ville de cœur.

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(1) Comment

Yi I |

Hi! Is there a need to validate my working holiday visa? I tried to do it on the website, but the reasons listed for my visa were not listed as mine is the WHV and the reasons were for students, temp workers, etc.