Globe WHV Insurance Reviews

Globe WHV: you'll be covered for hospitalization, repatriation (after a major accident, for instance), accidental death, personal civil liability, etc.

WHV Insurance Subscribe now

575 Reviews

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4 8
This review was posted in French. Show original

Effective and fast.

1 2
This review was posted in French. Show original

Excellent price, cover ok.
The repayment steps are not clear, which causes delays. No major problems, however.

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

I was the victim of a dental fracture which was taken care of as explained in the Globe PVT contract … Once the fees paid, it was enough to send a photo / scan of the invoice and I received the refund quickly. As it took several consultations to resolve the problem, I am reassured for the following invoices.

0 20
This review was posted in French. Show original

I am very satisfied with the speed of the responses provided by Globe PVT; only for my last reimbursement, it was a little more complicated because I was asked to provide a medical report of my last consultation (something that the clinic had not provided me) and having left on a trip a few days later, I had to make a power of attorney for a friend to go get it for me. I would have liked to know before because I have still not been reimbursed for this …

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Super responsive!
I totally recommend Globe PVT insurance.
What would you change in the refund process?
Nothing or a list of emergency facilities to go to if something happens to us.

2 20
This review was posted in French. Show original

Application for reimbursement following the consultation of a doctor in Canada and the purchase of prescribed medication.

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Very fast and complete service for an advantageous price.

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Visiting the doctor is very expensive for a foreigner in Canada, thanks to the insurance I was able to benefit from the necessary care while being reimbursed fairly quickly (around 2/3 weeks). Thank you.

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Whether for the online refund request or the mail refund request (more than € 500), the requests are simple and the refund very fast !!
One big stress less after a night in the emergency room!

Thank you to the team for their responsiveness both in responding to emails and in processing requests.

0 0
This review was posted in French. Show original

Refund very quick and easy to complete. I am very satisfied