- 23/07/11, 09:40 #1bonjour j'ai effectué ma demande il y a quelques jours pour avoir un pvt en australie, j'ai toujours pas eu de réponses et je n'arrive pas à trouver sur le site australien l'endroit ou on peut voir l'avancé de notre dossier !! quelqu'un pourrait me donner le lien ??
- 23/07/11, 10:45 #2Salut Ced, normalement tu reçois ton e-visa par email dans la journée ou les jours qui suivent, tu as bien vérifié tes spams ?
Sinon il faut que tu écrives directement à l'ambassade (en 2007, l'adresse commençait par evisa.whm.helpdesk, il faut voir sur leur site si c'est toujours le cas), ils te répondent rapidement normalement
Tiens-nous au courant !
- 23/07/11, 12:26 #3Hello
Suivant les pays que tu as fréquenté au paravant la demande peut etre longue
ensuite pour consulter l'avancement : https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/inquiry...o?action=eVisa
- 23/07/11, 15:41 #4merci de vos reponses !!!
j'ai visité les USA avant par deux fois c'est le seul pays qui figure sur mon passeport...
j'ai suivit ton lien mathious mais mon numero de transaction est invalide, pourtant c'est bien le numéro qu'on ma donné lors de mon inscription !!
- 23/07/11, 15:57 #5si il y a des majuscules teste les minuscules, les o essaye le zero
des trucs du genre
as tu étais prelevé pour le paiement?
- 23/07/11, 23:17 #6j'ai beau tout retourner dans n'importe quel sens cel
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j'ai beau tout retourner dans n'importe quel sens cela ne marche pas et mon paiement n'a pas etait effectué encore !! peut etre pour sa que sa bloque...
- 24/07/11, 00:01 #7cedric viens sur le tchat
---------- Message ajouté à 00h01 ---------- message précédent à 23h34 ----------
bon bin cedric tu dois etre a la sieste lol
Donc as tu reçu un mail de confirmation quand tu a validé ton applaication form? ou as tu recupéré un code?
- 24/07/11, 09:51 #8coucou,
en fait j'ai rien recue !!!... j'ai juste eu plusieurs fenêtres qui se sont ouvertes en me disant de les imprimer, mais comme j'ai pas d'imprimente j'ai tout noté sur un papier ( mon trn, le recu du paiement, application type, date.... ) lorsque j'ai envoyé un mail pour leur dire qu'il me fallait mon TRN ils m'ont répondus et m'ont donnés le même TRN et cela ne marche toujours pas j'ai ce message d'erreur qui apparait,
the fallowing errors have been encountered,
tha applicant details entered do not match this TRN. this information must bewhat was entered for the main applicant.please check and try again.
c'est trop la loose pour moi !!
- 24/07/11, 13:18 #9hum tu as peut etre fait une erreur de frappe lors de l'application, donc maintenant quand tu rentre les bonne donnée c erroné :x
- 25/07/11, 00:08 #10lol avec la chance que j'ai en ce moment sa m'étonnerait pas
!!! comment puis je remédier à cet éventuel problême ? apres c'estle week end ils ont peut etre pas voulue traiter ma demande et l'agence s'en occupera demain !! ( on se rassure comme on peut hein ?? !!!!!
- 25/07/11, 00:28 #11je te dirais de retenter depuis le deubt de l'application ou d'ecrire un ptit mail a l'ambassade ou sur le site du gouvernement
- 25/07/11, 10:13 #12ouai mais si je retente je dois repayer !!!et s'il me prélève entre temps je vais payer deux fois...jvais tenter de leur écrire un mail ! t'as l'adresse ?
- 25/07/11, 11:02 #13
- 25/07/11, 22:35 #14sa y est jai recu le mail
trop happy
je dois faire quoi maintenantlol
j'ai recue ce mail c'est bien sa,
This is to advise that you have been granted a Working Holiday Visa, Subclass 417, on 25 July 2011.
This letter contains important information about this visa.
The visa grant number is XXXXXXXXXXXXX. This is the unique number assigned to the visa. You should keep this visa grant number with you, as you may have to provide it to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) during the life of the visa.
This visa allows you to make your initial entry into Australia no later than 12 months from the date that the visa was granted. Your initial entry into Australia must not be after 25 July 2012
Once in Australia, this visa permits you to stay in Australia for 12 months from the date that you first enter Australia. It provides you with multiple travel to Australia, which means that you can leave Australia and re-enter Australia as many times as you wish during your 12 month stay. However, if you depart Australia during your 12 month stay, you are not able to recover the period of time you have spent outside Australia.
You will not have a visa label placed in your passport when travelling to Australia as your visa is recorded electronically in Australia's visa systems. It is recommended that you print and keep a copy of this advice for your personal records.
Please note that this visa is linked to the passport number provided in your application. If you obtain a new passport after receiving this letter, DIAC systems will not recognise the new passport and you will be prevented from travelling to Australia. If you have obtained a new passport, please contact the eVisa Helpdesk for advice ([email protected]).
Please note: this Working Holiday Visa can only be used once. If you find your circumstances have changed after you are granted a Working Holiday Visa and you want to postpone your working holiday but you still need to travel to Australia for a brief visit, you MUST apply for a Tourist visa or another temporary visa. This will cease your Working Holiday visa and you will be able to apply for another Working Holiday Visa at a later stage, if you still meet all the eligibility criteria.
If you obtain an ETA (Electronic Travel Authority, subclass 976) after your Working Holiday Visa has been granted, your entry to Australia will activate your Working Holiday Visa and you will NOT be able to apply for another Working Holiday visa.
Please note that your Working Holiday Visa has been approved subject to a number of conditions:
The holder must not be employed by any 1 employer for more than 6 months, without the prior permission in writing of the Secretary.
While in Australia you must not engage, for more than 4 months, in any studies or training.
It is very important that you understand and abide by your visa conditions. If you fail to abide by these conditions, your visa may be cancelled and you will be required to leave Australia.
If you do not understand your visa conditions please contact the nearest Immigration Office in Australia or Australian diplomatic mission overseas for advice before you travel (Contact Us - Department of Immigration and Citizenship).
After arrival in Australia, you may seek advice on any aspect of your visa conditions from the nearest office of the Department (Contact Us - Department of Immigration and Citizenship).
DIAC provides a service called Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) which allows certain third parties to check your visa information with your consent.
Through VEVO, you can give your consent to registered third parties such as:
employers and labour suppliers, and government agencies, to check whether visa holders are eligible for certain services, or have work and study rights;
VEVO also allows visa holders who applied online to view their current visa details. If you provided a password for VEVO in your online application, you will be able to access the service on DIAC's website at Online Applications
The disclosure of your visa information by DIAC is governed by the Privacy Act 1988. Therefore, DIAC will disclose information about your visa to a third party only with your consent. You can consent to an inquiry about your visa entitlements by giving the third party your name, date of birth, passport number and passport country of issue. If you do not wish a third party to find out about your visa entitlements, do not give them this information.
The information form 993i 'Safeguarding your personal information', available from Immigration offices, gives details of third parties to which you can consent to your personal information being disclosed, and how you can consent.
Australian law sets pay rates and conditions of employment which cannot be undercut through informal agreements or unregistered contracts. If you have concerns about your pay and conditions, you can contact:
Fair Work Australia via their website at Home | Fair Work Australia or by phone on 1300 799 675.
The Fair Work Ombudsman via their website at www.fwo.gov.au or by phone on 13 13 94.
Further information on employment in Australia is available on DIAC's website at Department of Immigration & Citizenship and on the website of the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations at Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
Working Holiday visa holder's who have completed a minimum of three months of specified work in regional Australia, while on their first Working Holiday visa, may be eligible to apply for a second Working Holiday visa. Further information about the eligibility requirements for the second Working Holiday visa is available on the department's website at Visitors - Visas & Immigration
Information about specified work opportunities in regional Australia can be found on the Harvest Trail website at Harvest Trail - Harvest jobs - Australian JobSearch
If, after arriving in Australia, you are interested in the possibility of a further period of stay, information about other visa options that may be available to you can be found at: Visitors - Visas & Immigration and Workers - Visas & Immigration
We hope that you enjoy your stay in Australia.
Yours sincerely
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Date: 25 July 2011
Disclaimer: The preceding correspondence is intended solely for the use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain privileged and/or confidential information. If this email has been sent in error, then the recipient is prohibited from disclosing, reproducing or using the information contained within.
Important Notice: If you have received this email by mistake, please advise
the sender and delete the message and attachments immediately. This email,
including attachments, may contain confidential, sensitive, legally privileged
and/or copyright information. Any review, retransmission, dissemination
or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the
intended recipient is prohibited. DIAC respects your privacy and has
obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. The official departmental privacy
policy can be viewed on the department's website at Department of Immigration & Citizenship. See:
je suis trop excité mdr une vrai pucelle lors de sa premiere fois mdr
- 25/07/11, 22:44 #15Alors tu l'imprime et le photocopie , il te sera demandé a la douane pour passé en australie
- 26/07/11, 00:43 #16cool merci de l'info maintenant que j'ai confirmation je vais me plonger à fond dans la prépa de mon voyage et bosser encore plus dur pour avoir des thunes de coté
tu es déja aller en australie ? tu peux me conseiller sur les meilleures villes, les colocs ??
- 09/08/11, 19:56 #17Bonjour,
je me demande si le passeport doit etre valide pour toute la durée du WHV ou juste au moment de la demande et de l'arrivée sur le sol australien. Je pose cette question car mon passeport est valide jusqu'en février 2012...
Merci pour l'info.
- 09/08/11, 20:02 #18Pour Dave:
- How long does my passport need to be valid?
Although it is recommended to have a passport valid for at least 6 months
when applying, it is not a mandatory requirement of the Australian
Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) that a foreign national
entering Australia has a passport valid for at least 6 months. However, it is a
mandatory Requirement of DIAC that all non-Australian citizens wishing to
enter Australia do have a valid passport and valid Australian visa on their
date of entry to, and for the duration of their stay in, Australia.
Although DIAC does not enforce the 6 month rule, some airlines do, so you
may wish to check with your airline before you book your flight. Please also
check with the countries through which you are transiting.
Autrement dit: Tu as tout intérêt à te refaire faire un nouveau passeport ou à envisager de quitter l'Australie avant la date d'expiration (aka Fevrier 2012) de celui que tu possèdes actuellement...Dernière modification par Cedric ; 09/08/11 à 20:06.
- 09/08/11, 20:20 #19Merci ! Ca va donc passer !
- 14/08/11, 13:04 #20Je te recommande de refaire ton passeport, non seulement c'est 6 mois a partir de la date de départ donc départ en septembre maximum et ensuite si tu restes plus de 6 mois en Australie, tu t'imagines sans passeport ? Si la police te contrôle, si tu veux aller dans un autre pays et même si tu veux rentrer en France, il faudra que tu arrives à prouver que tu es français et ce sera une galère sans nom de toute façon.
Moi, je ne prendrais pas le risque de me retrouver dans une situation compliquée à l'autre bout du monde :$
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