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    Avatar de Cyndy

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    J'ai trouvé l'article super drôle alors je le partage

    Pour les non-anglophones, la chaine change le nom des tailles de tasse à café et les gens en sont très choqués...

    Coffee order chaos ahead at Timmie’s?

    Chain changes cups size names

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    Get ready for confusion, mayhem and panic in the streets on Monday, when Tim Hortons changes the names of its coffee cup sizes.

    “We need a revolution. I’m serious. An uprising of all the people who order medium,” said toolmaker Alex Gonzales when he was informed about the change. “We’ll gather everyone who doesn’t like this idea and have a huge, mass protest.”
    When you order your usual medium double-double on Monday, prepare to be asked if you mean the “new medium” or the “old medium.” Tim Hortons is introducing a new 710-millilitre size and calling it “extra large,” making the old, 591-millilitre “extra large” a “large,” the old “large” a “medium,” and on down to “extra small” (the coffee size formerly known as “small”).
    Confusing? Nonsense, said Michelle Robichaud, manager of public relations at Tim Hortons. “When you want a really big cup of coffee, you’re going to ask for an extra large, and when you want something really small you’re going to ask for the extra small.”
    It would have been more confusing to keep calling the old “extra large” by the same name when it wasn’t the biggest size, she said. Robichaud said Tim Hortons is introducing the new size in response to customer demand — and certainly not to keep up with competition from Starbucks, which introduced a 961-millilitre cold drink size called the “trenta” last year, which is larger than the average capacity of the human stomach.
    A preference for super-sized beverages can come at a health cost. Anyone who gets to the bottom of the new extra large size will have already reached their daily caffeine limit as recommended by Health Canada, according to Neil MacKenzie, the manager of the Windsor Essex County Health Unit’s nutrition program.
    Not only that, but people who take their coffee with cream and sugar will have to add more to get it to taste the way they’re used to, he said. “When it comes to our diet, we have a problem, and it’s too many calories, too much fat and too many empty calories. So it’s something that people might perceive as getting a better value, but it’s not such a good deal nutritionally.”
    Robichaud said customers concerned about the health impact of a 710-millilitre beverage are free to order a smaller one. Canadian Tim Hortons locations will continue to carry the 237-millilitre size, unlike American franchises that have already stopped offering the “old small.”
    “Certainly for some customers it might be the right size and for other customers, they might choose to order the extra small at eight ounces. It’s really up to the individual customer,” Robichaud said.
    Arnold Goldman, 66, said he won’t be joining Gonzales’s revolution. “Who cares?” he said.
    “It’s not too big, for the people who want that size. It’s perfect, for those people,” he said. “I think people who drink coffee only care that they’re drinking coffee. Health is not an issue. And people who don’t drink coffee shouldn’t have anything to say about it.”

  2. #2
    Avatar de nagrom
    Morgan 41 ans

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    Cette révolution va en laisser plus d'un sur le carreau !
    Je prédis une possible augmentation des suicides au Canada suite à cette nouvelle. Mais au final on peut juste en avoir un encore plus gros :thumbsup2:
    Une petite pensée pour tous ces gentils travailleurs au Tim qui vont devoir réapprendre tous leurs cours. J'espère que subway ne va pas changer la taille de ses sandwichs pour répondre à cette ignoble provocation.

  3. #3
    Avatar de Nan
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    Natacha 41 ans

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    Moarff la taille de l'extra-large, à mon avis tu beaucoup envie d'aller au toilette après l'avoir bu, et sérieusement je vois pas l'intérêt de boire une cafetière de café !!

  4. #4
    Avatar de Cyndy

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    L'extra-extra large (qui est donc l'extra large maintenant) existait déjà et à sa sortie j'avais lu pas mal d'article de gens choqués par la taille du truc Ils le faisaient que pour le café, pas pour les autres boissons.. Et c'est clair que s'enfiler 680ml de café, ça fait mal j'imagine...!

    En tout cas ça me donne envie d'aller voir chez Tim le bordel des commandes..