1. #1
    Avatar de Dolly54
    Audrey 38 ans

    Sallanches, France
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    I always told to my family "If one day I go in an English-Speaking country, I will try to read a book in english". Now I'm in Canada, I have decided to try to do this and the winner is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". It's more difficult than I imagined, but my reach is to finish the first tome (steph by step) before the end of my WHV. For the moment I switch a lot between my book and my dictionary, but I learn new words (very useful fot the daily life) and I really hope it will help me to improve my english !

    And you, have you already try to read a book wrote in english ?

  2. #2

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    Hi there!

    I am actually trying to read this


    Midnight sun is Edward's version of Twilight number1.

    The unfinished manuscript was stolen at Stephenie Meyer.
    She had decided to suspend the script and it is unclear whether she will return one day.
    The text has been post illegaly on the web.

    In French, in 2 days, I would have read, but in english, I am trying since 2 weeks...

  3. #3
    Avatar de jolijuli
    Julie 38 ans

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    Also I!

    I am in page 72...

    I just note than on this part in english, this one and the other about canadians against French Canadians, only people who lives in English spoken part takes part in the discussion.

    I mean, we speak english all day long, and we continue.
    And the other one who probably needs also to improve their language are afraid about these post.

    Also, the creator of this idea of english spoken post has disappear....

  4. #4
    Avatar de Dolly54
    Audrey 38 ans

    Sallanches, France
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    That's true, and this part of the website totally disappeared until Sophie decided to make it re-born ! Thank you very much, it's such a good idea and I find it's a shame that not so much people try to speak in english, I mean, it's funny and personally, I like to do this ! So, I think this is our mission to keep this part ALIVE !!

  5. #5
    Avatar de Katy

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de Dolly54
    I always told to my family "If one day I go in an English-Speaking country, I will try to read a book in english". Now I'm in Canada, I have decided to try to do this and the winner is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". It's more difficult than I imagined, but my reach is to finish the first tome (steph by step) before the end of my WHV. For the moment I switch a lot between my book and my dictionary, but I learn new words (very useful fot the daily life) and I really hope it will help me to improve my english !

    And you, have you already try to read a book wrote in english ?
    That's exactly what I thought when I arrived in Ireland for my studies in 2001 and I started with Harry Potter too What I liked about these books is that they're for kids so it's not too difficult but it's well written.
    I enjoyed reading Tony Hillerman too... stories are good and rather easy to read, it's almost as if someone was telling you a story with usual, daily words, you learn new nouns, adjectives and verbs but the sentences are quite simple. He writes detective novels that take place in native reserves in New Mexico so at the same time you learn about Pueblos' culture.

  6. #6
    Avatar de Dolly54
    Audrey 38 ans

    Sallanches, France
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    For me, it's very difficult for the moment to read my book, because I thought I had a good level enough (maybe I was too ambitious..), but I guess not, because as I told, I switch a lot between my book and my dictionary..but I will do it ! So I take note about the book you advise and I will read it later, when my first one will be done..! Wish me good luck ! lol

  7. #7
    Avatar de Rollins
    Roland 42 ans

    Isola, France
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    Hum hum... Excuse me !!!
    It's seems that you made a mistake in the main title of this treads...
    It should be : "Read a book WRITTEN in English..."

    You're more than very welcome sweety.

    Your lovely.
    Master Cappello.

  8. #8
    Avatar de murielj

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    If you find Harry Potter a little bit too difficult I would strongly recommend Eragon. It's not what we could call "great literature" but it really good for a non native speaker.
    The vocabulary is not difficult and the story very pleasant. As it is adventure, there is always something happening : if you don't understand a word, it doesn't really matter you will understand easily with the context.

    If I can give you a tip : don't use a dictionnary at every word you don't understand. Just accept that you will miss a few words and, if you're really curious, at the end of a chapter, you can have a look in a dictionnary for the words you really didn't catch the meaning. If you stop at every word you don't understand, you won't really enjoy the story. And the point of reading is not to understand every single word but get the whole story.

  9. #9
    Avatar de Marie
    Marie 38 ans

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    Reading Harry Potter is not as difficult as it seems. I read all the books of Harry Potter in English and i really enjoyed it.
    The most difficult with Harry Potter can be the vocabulary. Indeed, there are a lots of words coming from magic world or only imagined by J.K Rollings.
    At the beggining, i used Internet to help me. I found 2 website who should help you:
    Anglais: Harry Potter et la magie - Daskoo
    Lexique anglais-français Harry Potter

    After getting used of the magic words, it's quite easy.

  10. #10
    Avatar de Scrogneugneu
    Cécile 40 ans

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    Message de Dolly54
    I always told to my family "If one day I go in an English-Speaking country, I will try to read a book in english". Now I'm in Canada, I have decided to try to do this and the winner is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". It's more difficult than I imagined, but my reach is to finish the first tome (steph by step) before the end of my WHV. For the moment I switch a lot between my book and my dictionary, but I learn new words (very useful fot the daily life) and I really hope it will help me to improve my english !

    And you, have you already try to read a book wrote in english ?
    ahahah I'm reading the same book!
    As far as I'm concerned, it's only to improve my pronunciation. I used to feel like I had this huge sock in my mouth when I tried to speak english, but now I'm getting more and more comfortable. So I really think that reading out loud is a good way to practice, to get familiar with some sounds, and finally not being scared or ashamed of speaking english with people.

    Oh and by the way, there's a mistake in the title of the thread: "write-wrote-written".

  11. #11
    Avatar de Dolly54
    Audrey 38 ans

    Sallanches, France
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    Thank you to everyone for all you tips !

  12. #12

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    Hi everyone !
    I just discovered this thread and it's very interesting. I need some help to find a good english book in fantasy (like The Lord of The Rings) or a good thriller. Thanks a lot.

  13. #13
    Avatar de murielj

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    For thriller, you can have a look at all the Stephen King books.
    For Fantasy, Eragon is a quite good option : not as sophisticated as Lord of the Ring, but pleasant.

  14. #14
    Avatar de isa
    isa est déconnecté

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    Message de murielj
    For thriller, you can have a look at all the Stephen King books.
    For Fantasy, Eragon is a quite good option : not as sophisticated as Lord of the Ring, but pleasant.
    It depends on which ones but Stephen King isn't the most accessible author, he's a very rich and complicated style; even if I'm used to read in english -and I read all the King's ones in french- this is definitely not adapted for beginners.

    I'd say maybe His Dark Materials (Philip Pullman) in an other genre...

    Harry Potter isn't that difficult but I can't say, I read the 5 volumes in french first. Which helped me the most is actually to listen to them thanks to audiobooks : this collection is really well done :
    I know it doesn't have the same interest and won't improve the reading skills but you can try both, it's a very interesting exercice in my mind. It'll allow you to understand the context and not to use a dictionnary (I never do that - it spoils the reading process!)

  15. #15

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    I am currently reading «executive privilege» (Philip Margolin).. It's a political thriller involving the president of USA in the murder of one (or more ) teenage girls!!! Great in order to improve your english with legal and political vocabs!!!! You read it easily, sentences are not complicated.

    Thank you Muriel for the Eragon tip I'm gonna try as soon I finish the one I am currently reading.

  16. #16
    Avatar de manel283

    Lyon, France
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    It s so nice to talk to someone in english ! I love that !

    I have read all the Harry Potter's books in both languages (french/english).
    It is better to read them in english without trying to understand each word thanks to a dictionary. You can understand with the context. You ll see that lots of words will be written several times, then you ll know them.

    I read Kathy Reichs' books too (which inspired the American serie Bones). It s interesting !

    I would like to try The Lord of the rings as well. However, I remember the french version. It was very long ! I think I ll try Eragon first. Im sure I would like it !

    Keep reading !!!

  17. #17
    Avatar de Pmithrandir
    Pierre 40 ans

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    You can also read news paper day to day(metro is good for that) and after begin the book.
    I read one starwars book and now, I read also harry potter. I received all the collection and I have almost finished the first one(I'm after the mirror of erised).

    Don't try to understand all words, often you can understnad and give a meaning after few sentences.

  18. #18
    Avatar de isa
    isa est déconnecté

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    You're right about the papers, I improved my english a lot while receiving The Guardian weekly. But you're not even obliged to suscribe, you just have to think to go on any paper website every morning. (of course it's easier when you're spending too much time on the net : that's what the geek I am is doing )
    CNN and The Guardian online are good ones I think.

  19. #19
    Avatar de Katy

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Rémy, if you want a good thriller, not too difficult to read, you can try the "Dexter" series (4 novels by Jeff Lindsay which inspired the TV series but the stories are quite different), the books are dark and funny (witty as they like to advertise on back covers).

    Personnally, I find American-English generally easier to read than British-English (Harry Potter, John Connolly, Ian Rankin), except for "great" American authors (Jim Harrisson, James Ellroy, Stephen King) who have a richer style.
    A question of vocabulary I guess... With TV shows and movies I'm used to hear American-English.

  20. #20

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    Hi everyone, nice topic!
    I have read the saga of Harry Potter but I stopped at the 5th book because I get bored...
    I have read the all saga of Twilight in english this summer and I loved it!! I couldn't stop. I bought a novel "The Life and Soul of the Party" by Mike Gayle, that I didn't start for the moment because I have too many french books to read ( Muso, Gavalda, Hosseini...) for now.

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