1. #21

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    I began reading English books with Harry Potter too and at first it was really difficult, but when you have read a bit of the book, something like 100 pages, it becomes easier, because the first part of the book is centered on the introduction of the characters, the context and everything else.

    I read Eragon too, and I thought it was more difficult than Harry Potter (and the story isn't really interesting by the way).

    Twilight is not really difficult to read either.

    You can read Dan Brown too (Da Vinci Code, Angels & Deamons), it's not difficult, fast-paced and there isn't neverending description.

    titenaous6: Yeah, the 5th book is the worst, the 6th and 7th are better

  2. #22
    Avatar de stormrider
    Audrey 44 ans

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    Hey !

    It's funny to see how many people read Harry Potter in english !! I struggled for the 1st one. I read it when I was a student in England and every second person in the london tube was reading one of the 3 books !! (yeah, was years ago...)I struggled at first then it became easier, once you know what a wand,an owl and a quill are, for example ! And as Manel 283 says, when you let go off the dictionary !

    Now I love reading authors like Harlan Coben , really easy to read and you get into his stories pretty quickly ! Mary Higgins Clark is pretty easy to. And I like to change the kind of books I read by getting books from Marian Keyes (very girly but sooooo good !!!)

  3. #23
    Avatar de Dolly54
    Audrey 38 ans

    Sallanches, France
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    After all you tips, I decided to give up my dictionary and now I really enjoy to read Harry Potter in english ! And on my way to go back in France, at Vancouver airport, I have decided to buy Eragon, so it will be my next step !!

  4. #24
    Avatar de virginie777
    Virginie 36 ans

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    Hey you!

    As far as I am concerned, I was studying english at university in France, so during 3 years, I had lots of english books to read. Some very good and interesting, some sooo boring. By now, for my personal reading, I have read "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle".Very easy to understand and to read. At that moment, I am reading "Between us". Very good reading too. Perhaps a bit harder for understanding but when I am in, I just can't stop!

  5. #25
    Avatar de murielj

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    I just bought Lord of the Ring
    It's quite heavy but it's been a long time I wanted to read it, so I just have to find the time.

  6. #26
    Avatar de isa
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    Message de murielj
    I just bought Lord of the Ring
    It's quite heavy but it's been a long time I wanted to read it, so I just have to find the time.
    I think I did worse : Gone with the wind, 1482 pages Usually I'm not afraid by the weight of books but this time I simply don't know why I bought it
    Dernière modification par isa ; 10/12/09 à 11:10.

  7. #27

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    I also read english books since the Harry Potter saga... but I first tried with the 7th ! And since I gived up the dictionnary, I really appreciate that ! Especcially since I'm working in a bookshop : in Montreal, english books are so cheaper than french's !!!

    I'm currently reading "Q&A" by Vikas Swarup, the novel published in 2005 that inspired the movie Slumdog Millionaire.
    It's really interresting and easy to read. I strongly recommand it ! The story is really different from the movie : actually, what the main character lives in the book is really worse than in the movie !
    It's interresting to see what Hollywood did to the book : absolutely no respect for it !

  8. #28
    Avatar de stormrider
    Audrey 44 ans

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    Message de Nadnadou
    It's interresting to see what Hollywood did to the book : absolutely no respect for it !
    Hollywood doesn't usually stick to the book...what a shame !!!

  9. #29

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    Message de stormrider
    Hollywood doesn't usually stick to the book...what a shame !!!
    Sure ! Hollywood is not known to be really accommodating with the authors... Except if they are lucky enough to become scriptwriters of their own movies !

    Otherwise guys, do you have something new to propose ? I almost finished my novel and I wish I could buy a new one Thursday with my super great bookseller's reduction !
    English readings are new for me and my colleagues doesn't like to read in English : "ils sont québécois" so... they cannot help me and I'm waiting for suggestions !
    (Even if I know that my brothers are going to offer me the Sookie Stackhouse's novels boxed set for Christmas ! )

  10. #30
    Avatar de petit_rhino
    Flo 43 ans

    Orléans, France
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    Up. I'm curious to see if people have new recommendations.

    I definitely recommend reading Harry Potter in English. Not necessarily fantasy novels like Lord of the Rings because the language can be peculiar (inspired from Old English sometimes).

    For more recent recommendations, I would say The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (plus you can watch the film to help you out).
    And one of my favourites from 2012, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, great story and pretty easy to read.

  11. #31
    Avatar de Colossine
    Catherine 38 ans

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    Message de petit_rhino
    Up. I'm curious to see if people have new recommendations.
    Personally, I read some John le Carré's books during high school : spy stories which are not too difficult : a bad guy, a good guy, a pretty girl...
    I also like Robin Cook's book. There may be a few (a lot of? ) medical terms, but it won't prevent you from understanding the story.

    Message de isa
    I think I did worse : Gone with the wind, 1482 pages Usually I'm not afraid by the weight of books but this time I simply don't know why I bought it
    I discovered the French book when I was about 14 years old: I bought it as a gift for a friend and I read it in one week-end... and then decided not to offer it . 2 years later, I bought the English version and read it in a week (less quickly than the French version, but my English is not as fluent as my French ). Quite strange: I definitely don't like Scarlett, but I love the book !

  12. #32
    Avatar de Mirkie
    Guillemette 40 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    I also started reading the first harry potter, but I was more succesfull with the third : the first use too many specific world from magic world for me.
    I'm on page 78 off "neverwhere", from Niel Gaiman : I also try to read Terry Pratchett's books, but it was just impossible.

    Two books I have to read in english :
    - The fionavar's tapestry, by Guy Gavriel Kay. I love this book in french, so I would like it in english... It's fantasy too.
    - The poison-wood bible, by Babrbara Kingsolver : The independence of Congo though eyes of four american pastor's daughters.

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