1. #1
    Hello everyone, I'm posting here because I have a few questions related to studying in France during a working holliday.
    First I would love to know what's possible , and not possible, are there some classes / schools which are allowed only for students visas and not working holliday visas ?
    If so, what are the ways which are allowed for a working holliday visa holder ?
    The second thing I would love to know is what are the cheapest and decent quality ways to study french for me inside Paris or in suburbs (not too far from the 94 department if in suburbs). And anywhere near that inside of paris is fine as well because i will have access to line 7 of the subway pretty close to where I live during my stay. The problem I encountered is that many schools are super expensive, my french level is begginner too and some classes allow only from A2 ect.., My post is mostly to ask some help about what are the cheapest ways/cheapest places to study french in france in or around paris not too far !

    I appreciate any help !!!

  2. #2
    Avatar de Kenzaa
    Kenza 35 ans

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    I used to be a French as a foreign language teacher and I taught in several Parisian schools. If it's not expensive, it means you won't get quality content (though it can be expensive and bad as well)

    Where are you from?
    The cheapest school is in Opéra (so on line 7) and targets Asian students. But don't worry about the location of the school, the metro system is fast and efficient and it will get you anywhere quite easily. You should have a look into the Mairie cours - either the Mairie de Paris (CMA) or of the city you'll be living in. You are going to need regular classes with a clear program and content, from a textbook. Avoid anything photocopy-based.

    What are you going to do in Paris?

  3. #3
    Message de Kenzaa
    I used to be a French as a foreign language teacher and I taught in several Parisian schools. If it's not expensive, it means you won't get quality content (though it can be expensive and bad as well)

    Where are you from?
    The cheapest school is in Opéra (so on line 7) and targets Asian students. But don't worry about the location of the school, the metro system is fast and efficient and it will get you anywhere quite easily. You should have a look into the Mairie cours - either the Mairie de Paris (CMA) or of the city you'll be living in. You are going to need regular classes with a clear program and content, from a textbook. Avoid anything photocopy-based.

    What are you going to do in Paris?
    Désolé pour la réponse tardive, je suis français et la personne pour la quelle j'ai posé la question vient d'asie ! (J'ai écris le message en anglais car je n'étais pas sur que mon message tous plus de personne en français donc j'ai fais l'erreur, apparemment tout le monde poste en français lol)

    Merci pour ces infos ! Je suis intéréssé de savoir le nom de l'école à Opéra pour les étudiants asiatiques si cela ne vous dérange pas ! Je pense que ça pourrait correspondre a ce que mon ami cherche. Je vais aussi aller me renseigner à la mairie ! Merci beaucoup encore et bonne journée !