Discussion: Offre d emploi pour PVT dans l internet
- 20/03/15, 20:52 #1Salut
nous offrons un poste de web merchandiser / online manager dans ma societe
Nous sommes specialise dans la vente de montres et autre produits de mode sur Internet, en particulier les marketplaces comme Amazon
Le poste est a Metro Namur (comptez 1h de transport depuis le Plateau) et le salaire aux alentours de 13$ /h
Ce n est pas un poste de programmation, mais plutot un poste avec des taches varie (bcp d ordinateur quand meme). On cherche quelqu un familier des outils marketings capable de produire des slides et gerer la plateforme des ventes de maniere autonome, avec un esprit assez rigoureux.
C est pour un remplacement
Il faut parler anglais (pas besoin d etre parfaitement bilingue) car la moitie de l equipe est anglophone
Je copie ici l annonce que j ai mis sur Craigslist
We are a small company dealing with famous fashion products (watches) and also our own line of product (watches, bags, jewellery)
We are experiencing a growth on our online presence (especially international marketplaces) and are looking for a young individual to help us run our online division.
The position offered is Online Coordinator with a strong emphasis in Web Merchandising and Analytics
In relation with the president and our team, you will be responsible to run our Amazon store and help run our transactional website.
Your main priorities will be
Follow-up a daily, weekly and monthly routine : ie
Create listings for our products, prepare inventory order recommendation, sales report and other business documents, reply to customer emails, monitor prices and product reviews.
You will also be in charge of
-setting up and following up Ad Campain
-providing recommendation for purchase order on new products
-managing the communication with our shops
-helping our team set up and run our Prestashop online store
Your objectives are to :
-make sure we maximize our sales potential on various marketplaces
-offer the best customer service possible to the clients (by email, mostly in French and English)
-provide different kind of reports that will help the company grow its business online
Requirements :
-Computer and software savvy : you will work with various backend systems that are complex to learn but easy to use
-Proficient in Excel and Office software : we use dynamic excel spreadsheet templates that uses intermediate formulas and functions (however there is no coding necessary). You will also prepare Powerpoint slides
-Be good with numbers : your recommendation are made based on sales figures and numbers, hence you must be able to read and work on a document that requires focus when its needed
-Be bilingual and eager to try your best to come up with a solution even if you don’t have the answer on the spot (ie : find a way to communicate in other languages or fix a problem with a listing when it appears)
- 20/03/15, 22:39 #2Bonjour Gil,
Plutôt qu'une discussion, merci d'utiliser Offres d'emploi | pvtistes.net , c'est simple, rapide, gratuit et surtout puisque c'est l'interface prévue pour ça sur Pvtistes.net, tu auras plus de chances de trouver des membres intéressés . Bonne continuation !
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