Discussion: Suspension de permis et état
14/03/19, 06:41 #1Bonjour,
Je me suis pris une suspension de permis de 3mois et une amende dans le victoria.
J'aimerai savoir si la suspension de permis est valable dans tous les états d'Australie car j'en ai besoin pour travailler ?
Merci aux moralisateurs de passer leurs chemins, je ne suis pas un chauffard habituellement.
Merci d'avance.
14/03/19, 12:43 #2Salut Yann,
New South Wales : je ne pense pas que ce soit possible
If you hold an overseas licence, you are allowed to drive the vehicles covered by your overseas licence in NSW indefinitely, as long as:
- You remain a temporary overseas visitor
- Your overseas licence remains current
- You have not been disqualified from driving in NSW or anywhere else
- You have not had your licence suspended or cancelled, or your visiting driving privileges withdrawn
Western Australia : je ne pense pas que ce soit possible
To be able to drive on WA roads with your overseas driver's licence (and international driving permit, if applicable), you must:
Carry your licence (and international driving permit, if applicable) with you at all times while driving and show it to a police officer if asked to do so.
- Comply with any other conditions of your licence.
- Drive only those vehicles that you are authorised to drive.
- Hold a current licence that is not suspended or cancelled (you cannot drive on your overseas licence if you are disqualified from driving or your driving privileges are withdrawn).
Queensland : je ne pense pas que ce soit possible
Driving in Queensland on an interstate or overseas licence
If you’re visiting Queensland from another country, you can drive if you have a valid overseas licence.
When you can’t drive in Queensland
As well as the suspension mentioned above, you can’t drive in Queensland if:
- an Australian court has disqualified you from holding or getting a driver licence
South Australia : je ne pense pas non plus
If you are just visiting Australia, you can drive the same type of vehicle as your current licence allows, but you must drive according to any conditions on your overseas licence.
You will need either one of these:
- a current licence issued in another country that is written in English
- a current licence with an English translation if necessary or an international driver's licence.
You must carry your licence documents at all times when driving and produce these and your passport to police on request.
You must not be disqualified from driving in any country.
Tasmanie : je ne pense pas non plus
Driving/Riding on your Overseas Licence
You can drive/ride in Tasmania on your overseas licence if you are a visitor OR have a temporary visa (e.g. international students, refugees, working, holiday) OR have a permanent visa that has not been issued more than 3 months, as long as:
- Your overseas licence remains current;
- You have not been disqualified from driving in Tasmania or anywhere else in the world;
- Your licence has not been suspended or cancelled;
- Your visitor’s exemption (right to drive/ride in Tasmania using your overseas licence) has not been terminated;
- You have not been issued a Tasmanian licence (learner, provisional or full);
- You carry your licence with you, and if it is not in English you must also carry an International Drivers Permit or an official translation.
You cannot drive on public roads in the NT if you have:
• a licence that is expired
• a licence that has been cancelled or suspended
• had your driving privileges withdrawn in the NT
•been disqualified from driving by a court of law in Australia or overseas.
18/03/19, 05:32 #3
20/06/19, 02:54 #4Hey ! Le temps de suspension passé, j'ai payé mon amende, est ce que je vais retrouver automatiquement mon permis ? Ou ai-je des démarches à faire ? Je n'ai pas réussi a trouver l'information.
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