Discussion: USA Election

  1. #1
    Avatar de sido
    sido 40 ans

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    I allow myself to open a new topic about the election in Usa.
    I don't know if we can talk about this ? TiToTo ?

    So, who do you think is going to win the democrat's ticket for the presidential ?
    Obama or Clinton ? Imo, I think Obama will win the primary election.

    I read a good article written by The Economist. They said that if there is no terrorist attempt, democrats should win the Election by the way if there is a lot of international troubles, Mc Cain should win. I'm trying to find this article again.

    lastest news : A proposal of Hillary Cliton to Obama about the post of VP.
    I'm agree with Obama that the proposal of Clinton is strange and stupid.

  2. #2
    Avatar de sido
    sido 40 ans

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    So, good news for Obama. He won Mississippi's Democratic primary Tuesday.
    Next important step, the caucuses of Pennsylvania.

    Personally, I think the war between Clinton and Obama is a bad thing for the democrats.
    Mc Cain should be happy with this fight. He won the primary easily and he can prepare the presidential election without stress. He has the support of the white house and of all the conservative party. Mc Cain on a royal road ?

  3. #3
    Avatar de TiToTo
    Thomas 37 ans

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    Message de sido
    I don't know if we can talk about this ? TiToTo ?
    It's a good topic. Good idea

    I'm agree with you about Mc Cain.
    I think too the "small war" between Obama and Clinton is good for him

  4. #4

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    Hi !

    It's a good topic !
    I guess the little Obama-Clinton fight is a bad thing for the democrat though I doubt that a women or a black men could become the president of the biggest democraty of the world (I really hope the votes will prouve me wrong !!!) However, I think that if the two of them choose to work together they would probably have a real chance to win since their programs are not that different !

  5. #5

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    I'm ok with you. I hope that the America is on the way to changing. Personally I prefere Obama. An afro-american guyein the White House: Waouhh, thats so buzzy! But you say that the America is the biggest democratic country the World and I need totaly desapprouve.
    Americans elections are take place like on the stony age. It's not a realy democratic election. That's just my opinion...

    About Clinton It's maybe a good idea. The first Clinton was a very good president but this proposition about "One can be vice president an the over can be president" has me a litlle desappointed.

  6. #6
    Avatar de syl.sab
    Sylvain 40 ans

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    Hi guys!

    A friend of mine asked me once: "Who do you think he's going to win the presidential race?" I said: "Between Obama & Clinton?" "And McCain" he told. "I don't know" was my answer. And he concluded: "American'll never vote for a black or a woman". And I'm affraid he's right, especially in the very center: the coast (California, New York, etc.) are more democrats and open mind than the "rednecks" from Texas or Alabama...

    Futhermore, I'm agree with the fact that the "war" between Obama and Clinton is a good thing for McCain. They're giving him arguments for free! It's crazy how ambition could make people stupid.

    Anyway, don't forget the replubicans could cheat the race again, with a non-reaction from the democrats... :triste:

  7. #7

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    Hi everybody

    I saw yesterday the Obama's "pastor friend" on TV. The mass media is excited on the first lapse in behaviour, as though the private life of people was more important than their program. Thats realy very bad... Thats make a clamour around the world as a great information but I must just answer :

  8. #8

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    mc caine will win of course, and he will keep as many soldiers in Irak as the congress authorize him to do, and america gonna believe 4 4 more years that they really put the justice and democracy first...and the poor americans will still have to wait 4 a proper medical insurance....france may have many problems but they do have a very good social protection wich is even open to the less lucky (with the universal medical cover)

    Mc donald s will get richer an richer, people gonna have huge plasma tvs so they can watch good footy games, drinking hectolitres of bud light while other people will work in the mines 20 hours a day to pay school 4 their kiddies...

    governments gonna spend billions of dollars on new technology to get the best weapons, and life goes on......

  9. #9
    Avatar de Gael9
    Gael 44 ans

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    Ok guys, let's stop the politically correct America bashing.

    America will never vote for a black man, or woman.... yeah right... well, up until now I haven't seen any "minority" candidate having any real chance in Canada or France. Obama had one of its early victory in a mid-west state where there is 95% of whites. Maybe in America Race doesn't matter so much for most of the people. Unlike a guy who would think "Wouldn't it be cool to have a black president?" Who cares what race he is, for God's Sake!

    Besides, the primary system is very democratic. There has been tones of debates between the candidates, unlike what we saw in France. Every little thing about each candidate has been discussed, there stands on every issue, their background... and their true face comes up before the election, not after - Obama's pastor, hillary's manipulatives tendancies, McCain's domestic policies inexperience, not like some newly elected president...

  10. #10
    Avatar de syl.sab
    Sylvain 40 ans

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    We are not really open in France with Black people or beur people in politics, that's right.

    I often say "we can give any lesson to american: we elected Sarkozy" (even if anybody confess to have voted for him now... )