1. #1
    Avatar de fonclea

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    This article should be interesting for those who defend the "terroirs". As we know, row milk is rarely used to produce cheese.

    Ontario Farmer Michael Schmidt found guilty of contempt of court in raw milk case | barfblog

    The Incredible Story of Michael and Dorothea Schmidt and Real Milk in Canada

  2. #2
    Avatar de GuiYom88
    Guillaume 35 ans

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    You said :
    As we know, row milk is rarely used to produce cheese.
    In north America yes, but not in France. If you live in Toulouse there have a very good cheese just near your region : the Cantal ! I love this cheese, with a good wine of Languedoc it is a amazing moment for my mouth

    But, thank for this article. The fight of this farmer is very interesting, and the details are crazy !

    In article :
    During this period, other damage occurred on the farm, damage that could not be directly laid to health authorities. Milking machines were destroyed and two cows were found dead.
    Local farmers told the Schmidts that they had been asked if they would house surveillance teams. For a period of several months, vehicles were parked on the road close to the farm both day and night.
    It is a true war !!!

    (Sorry if my english is not perfect, but it is a good exercise for me)