1. #1
    Avatar de Lilou

    Paris, France
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    I just had a vodka and orange... oups a screwdriver as english speakers say and I'd like to speak english !!!

    I was wondering what topic would be interesting and I thought... you just had a screwdriver, let's talk about alcohol, that is expensive in Canada, so, let's talk about food and drink that are expensive in Canada.

    What is expensive ? What is very cheap ? What do you guys think about it ?

    I remember that dairy products are expensive, and it's a shame. But if you want to buy crisps or any junk food, it's soooo cheap.

    That's one of the reasons why I gained weight while in Canada

  2. #2
    Avatar de LucieB
    Lucie 31 ans

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    I totally agree with you ! It's so easy to eat junk food. When you want to eat healthy you have to be prepare to spend a lot of money !
    I know that No frill is less expensive that Loblows.

  3. #3
    Avatar de Lilou

    Paris, France
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    Definitely, No frills is very cheap but some stuff are really disgusting Frozen ground beef for example. They're flat and have a weird aspect !

    They are some nice markets though, where you're able to find cheapest fruits and vegetables but I can't remember any of them, if you guys know some markets in the city you live, let us know

  4. #4
    Avatar de Ludo44
    Ludo 40 ans

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    I agree too with you guys that's so easy to have junk food everyday. We are just surrounded by fast food restaurants and it's so cheap. Sometimes we have no other ways and I do not want to pay 15$/20 $ for an healthy lunch. You have to be very careful with your alimentation otherwise as Lilou said you gain weight very easily.

  5. #5
    Avatar de Theblur

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    I'd like to speak in english here, but I can't...I don't drink alcohol, so I'm only going to talk about food... Food is Good...Food is life...

    No, really, I agree with Ludo when he talks about Junk food... In every developped country you"ll find a MacDonalds, KFC and other brands that offer you food for a few dollars...

    That is why I started to cook on my own... It costs more, but it tastes better and I know what's in my plate.
    For Example, I prepared Homemade burgers...Really simple. ( Seasoned minced meat, onions, Salad, Tomato slices and, off course, bread ).
    It cost me, like 10€ for 4 burgers ( not small ones ).

    I think If you want to eat something that is good and healthy, you have to pay for it, without ruining you.

    It's easy to go to MacDonalds ( Macca for aussies ) and order a burger for 4 to 5€, but just have a look to what's inside...
    Once, sometimes is ok, but not all the time...

    Today, wether it is in France, Canada, Australia, USA or anywhere else, to eat healthy and cheap, you have to start a stressful way of life by counting every single Dollar/euro you spend... I don't think it's the good way...
    Just find a stable way of life that fancy you in all way...

    ( And As i'm writing this post, I'm listening to Mix 106.5, a sydney Radio and there's an ad for MacDonalds ^^ )