4Space saving, storage and organisation tips

Space saving, storage and organisation tips

If you’re converting a campervan, you will soon discover that the key is to optimise available space. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • Pack smart. You’ve heard it before, “take half the clothes and twice the money!” You won’t need 10 pairs of shoes or jeans (seriously, who does?). Remember the way you packed for your WHV adventure? Same process, even less stuff.
  • Technically, a bed is just a flat surface with some padding. Many like to build the bed high to fit storage space underneath (but keep headspace in mind!). Platform bed, drop-down table bed, flip-bench bed, slide platform bed, bunk bed, couch bed, slider bed… there are tons of options if you’re resourceful and skilled enough.
  • Optimise storage space. Boxes and containers are great but consider off-the-floor solutions like closets, ceiling rails, hooks, etc.
  • Label generic boxes and containers until you master your campervan. This is the best way to avoid looking for the *one* item you *know* you put in a box somewhere…
  • Use collapsible water containers—just keep in mind they aren’t as sturdy. That said, unless you’re crossing the desert (this is not a metaphor, looking at you, Australia) you probably won’t need to carry that much water. A few 3-4-litre jugs are enough if you fill them up regularly. The exception is South America (read on for a spotlight on road trips in Argentina and Chile ) and the Australian Outback.
  • Make sure to install blinds or bring thick fabric to cover your campervan windows. You may need some privacy and it’s for your own comfort too as sunrise can be very early.
  • A good floor plan is the key when you’re loading your campervan for the first time. Think of it as a real-life Tetris game—one thing at a time, everything should fit. Don’t rush, or else you may have to take everything out to fit in the one essential item you forgot!
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