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Are you heading to Canada with an International Experience Canada (IEC) Working Holiday, Young Professionals or International Co-op permit? Now is the perfect time to tackle your to-do list before the big adventure!
Decide when and where to go when you arrive
How to choose your first destination
You will have plenty of time during your Canadian adventure to explore the country. But for now, you have to pick a destination where you’ll spend your first few days, weeks or months in Canada.
Sometimes, the decision is a no-brainer. And if you’re still undecided, you may want to consider the following points.
1. Airfare
If you’re on a tight budget, start by checking plane ticket prices from your departure city. For instance, from Europe, flying to Eastern Canada is almost always cheaper than flying to Vancouver or to off-the-beaten-track provinces and territories.
Remember that your first destination can be a stopping point as part of a bigger journey. You just need to stay long enough to complete the first steps detailed in The arrivals process and your first steps in Canada (applying for your Social Insurance Number, opening a bank account, buying a Canadian SIM card, etc.).
2. City size
If you love urban environments and dream of living in a North American metropolis, you will want to aim for one of Canada’s three largest cities—Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver.
If you want to live in a smaller, community-oriented city, consider settling in Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec City, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Halifax or Moncton. Just remember that French is the official language in Quebec. There are English-speaking communities but French is the language used in work, communication and business.
Finally, if you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-track experience, check out the Yukon, Saskatchewan or Newfoundland and Labrador.
3. Regions to explore
Canada can be divided into four main regions:
Eastern Canada
The region is home to Montreal and Quebec City (in Quebec), Ottawa and Toronto (in Ontario), and also includes Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador). This part of Canada offers the easiest access to Niagara Falls and American cities like New York, Chicago, Boston or even Miami.
Western Canada
The biggest cities are Vancouver, Calgary and Victoria. This part of Canada attracts winter sports enthusiasts, hikers and beach bums who want to enjoy summer by the seaside. Winter is milder in Vancouver than in Ontario or Quebec, so those who dread months of snow and slush should consider the West Coast, where rain is more common than blizzards. For many travellers eager to explore the US, Vancouver can be the starting point of a road trip along the Pacific Coast through Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles with stops in the desert and national parks. Both British Columbia and Alberta are popular tourist destinations for Canadians.
Northern Canada
The true north strong and free is both scary and fascinating. Though it’s rare, some brave working holiday makers venture into this vast, remote and sparsely populated part of the country for a short trip or a longer stay. Expect extreme temperatures, breathtaking scenery, northern lights and winter activities. The Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories are perfect places for adventurous souls looking for a unique experience.
The Prairies
Many travellers cross the prairies by train, bus or car, but few stay long enough to appreciate them. If you decide to give Manitoba or Saskatchewan a try, you’ll be able to take a break from the backpacker scene!
4. Job market competition
For Working Holiday permit holders, who aren’t tied to a specific job, it pays to consider places where they can find their niche and have a better chance to beat the competition. For example, if you can speak French, you may have better luck finding a job in Quebec City or Montreal. Of course, large cities probably offer more opportunities, but don’t forget that many job seekers in your age group and with a similar background are also competing for their first work experience in Canada.
To stand out, you could pick an “uncommon” destination or a smaller city, where there is less competition—just keep in mind there could be fewer job opportunities as well.
5. City atmosphere
Bustling, dynamic, quiet, by the ocean, close to the mountains, full of cultural activities, in the backcountry—whatever you prefer, you probably know the kind of city or town you’re looking for. And if you don’t, maybe this is the perfect time to explore Canada to find the perfect place to settle.
How to choose the best time to travel to Canada
IEC permit holders must arrive within 12 months of receiving their Port of Entry (POE) Letter of Introduction. The deadline for entering the country is also written on the letter. Young Professionals and International Co-op permit holders must also ensure they enter the country before their contract start date.
If you have a Working Holiday permit with flexibility of when to travel (within the 12 months of receiving your POE letter), it can be difficult to know when exactly is the best time to arrive. Here’s some food for thought.
Which season is best?
Contrary to popular belief, Canada isn’t a year-round frozen hell. Summertime can actually be very hot and humid in many parts of the country.
If you want to experience a Canadian winter right away, come any time between November and February (bring good winter gear!). September is a popular time to arrive, as you can enjoy a few weeks of mild weather with sunny and clear skies before the temperatures drop.
If you’re not into a winter wonderland, you can wait until spring returns in April or May and enjoy summertime activities. Just budget wisely—we’ve heard of working holiday makers forced to go home earlier than planned because they spent too much over summer.
Note that plane tickets are usually more expensive around Thanksgiving (early October), Christmas and in July/August. On the other hand, you can often find good deals for departure dates in November or February.
The best time of year for work or housing opportunities
If you arrive in Canada during the summer school break, you may face more competition because many Canadian students are also looking for work (especially entry-level or general customer service positions).
On the other hand, there are generally more hiring opportunities before summer and around major holidays like Christmas and Boxing Day. A seasonal job could be your first Canadian work experience.
In Quebec, note that leases of rental properties traditionally end on July 1st—read Finding accommodation in Canada for more information. There will be fewer rentals available right after this date.
If you’re looking for shared housing, don’t worry—IEC permit holders, students and travellers come and go year-round in every major city.
Final tip (and one of the little ways you can save money!): if you’re settling in a city with a good public transit system, you may want to arrive at the very start or end of the month if you need to buy a monthly pass.
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